Visual Arts
Come Create With Us!
The Department of Visual Arts supports students as they build a solid foundation in studio art practice and an in-depth study of art history. Our programs integrate the benefits of a liberal arts education within a program of artistic growth that provides students with finely honed critical and analytical abilities alongside development as practicing artists.
Students may focus on sculpture, ceramics, painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, art history, and cultures of display, or they can choose to practice across traditional mediums.
Small classes in bright, spacious, modern facilities are taught by experienced faculty who are professional artists - ensuring the best possible learning environment for Visual Arts students.
Visual Arts provides an environment and experiences enriched with cultural activities available through local art galleries, field trips to major art centres, and visiting artists who share ideas and concepts of their art through workshops and lectures.

Visual Arts encourages individual artistic development by concentrating on studio practice. After a year and a half of work in a variety of studio areas, students will choose a concentration in: ceramics, drawing, intermedia, painting, photo-based media, printmaking, sculpture, or open studio which combines more than one of the areas.