Compliance & Citation FAQ

Below are common questions related to parking compliance and citations at the University of Regina. If there is a question that is not addressed in the FAQ, contact us for more details.

Q: What is a citation?
A: Citations are fines issued due to violations of the parking bylaws enforced by the University of Regina.

Q: I received a parking citation, what do I do?
A: You will have two options available if you have received a citation:

  • Pay your citation: you may pay the fine as indicated on the citation. For payments made within 14 calendar days you will be eligible for an early payment citation reduction on most infractions.
  • Appeal your citation: if you feel you cited in error, you may appeal your citation online within 7 calender days from the date of issue.

Q: What is the early payment citation reduction?
A: If you have received a parking citation, most bylaws will grant 14 calendar days to pay the fine at a reduced cost. If you have not appealed the citation, or payment is not made within 14 days, you will then be responsible to pay the full citation amount.

Q: How do I appeal multiple citations?
A: Citations must be appealed one at a time. If you wish to appeal multiple citations, then please submit a separate appeal for each citation received.

Q: I appealed my citation and have not heard anything back. How do I get a status update?
A: Citation appeals usually take between 2-4 business days to review and process. Please contact the Compliance & Citations Administation Unit at 306-585-5399 if it has been longer than 7 business days.

Q: What types of documents should I upload with my appeal?
A: Include documentation you feel with help support your appeal, such as, photos displaying where and how your vehicle was parked, proof of your ePermit, or a copy of your receipt from the Pay By Phone app or Pay Stations.

Q: Can I get an extension on my citation?
A: Unfortunately, extensions are not available for citations. You will have 14 calendar days to make payment at the reduced rate or will be responsible to pay the full citation amount and will be issued a Notice of Pending Summons.

Q: What if I cannot pay the full balance of my outstanding citations?
A: If you cannot remit payment for the full balance of your outstanding citations, you can apply for a Citation Payment Plan with Parking & Transportation Services. To be eligible for a payment plan the balance must exceed $50.00 and is only available for citations older than 14 calendar days.

Q: I lost my citation. When is the due date for my citation?
A: In the event of a lost citation, please call the Compliance & Citations Administraion Unit at 306-585-5399 in order to receive the specific information regards your citation.

Q: What happens if I forget to pay my citation?
A: If you have not made payment for your parking citation, after 14 calendar days, the University of Regina will send a “Notice of Pending Summons” to remind you to pay your outstanding citation. If payment for your citation is not made after being issued the “Notice of Pending Summons”, you will be issued a “Parking Summons”, which will charge you with a parking offence and result in a court appearance.