2024 President's Message
Celebrating a 50-year-strong tradition of giving
Dear friends of the University of Regina,
I am pleased to present our Donor Impact Report for the fiscal year May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024, and announce that its release coincides with the University of Regina’s 50th anniversary of becoming an independent, degree-granting institution.
As I reflect on our institution’s existence over the past five decades as the University of Regina – and more than 90,000 graduates (and counting) later! – I recognize how this milestone was reached in large part through the strength of our philanthropic community. This distinguished and diverse group – comprising alumni, faculty and staff, friends, and community partners – plays a critical role in making post-secondary education accessible, developing career-ready graduates, and building a bright future in Saskatchewan and beyond.

The past 50 years have seen many successful fundraising endeavours at our University. Vision 20/20, for example, was launched in 1993 to enhance facilities, equipment, and program development. The foremost of our revitalization projects, Building Knowledge, saved the historic College Building and Darke Hall for future generations. Philanthropy has also promoted the growth of our programs and Faculties, including the Faculty of Business Administration (which now consists of the Hill and Levene Schools of Business, named in honour of leadership donors Paul J. Hill and Kenneth Levene). And this only scratches the surface.
Since 1974, our University has received more than $175,000,000 in external funding and community support. As staggering as that figure may be to contemplate, I would like to emphasize that no number can fully encapsulate the tangible difference your generosity has made within and beyond the campus community. Whether you created or gave to a student award, felt moved to show your support for an annual appeal, planned a legacy gift, made a tribute gift in someone’s memory or honour, or donated to a cause that is close to your heart, I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you.
I invite you to take a few moments to read several inspiring stories about our donors, discover what motivated them to give, and learn about the lasting imprint they have left on others. These stories demonstrate how your commitment to our University and its students drives research and innovation, transforms students’ lives, and ultimately changes our communities for the better.
Thinking about our institutional marketing slogan, “Go far, together,” I cannot overemphasize how it is because of our donors, both past and present, that we have come so far over the past 50 years. Together, all of you inspire me and many others with pride, confidence, and optimism as we look to the University of Regina’s next half century. Thank you for that.
Yours sincerely,
Jeff Keshen
President and Vice-Chancellor
Banner photo credit: University Communications and Marketing