Upcoming Events

Student Employment Opportunities

Teaching Assistantship

Teaching Assistant Applications are now closed for Spring/Summer 2024.

  • Deadline for Application for Spring/Summer – Friday March 15, 2024
  • Application Form

Completed forms/applications should be submitted to the Math & Stats Department Office, by emailing mathstat@uregina.ca.

Applications can be completed electronically or printed, filled out and emailed to the Department Office. If you are submitting a hand written application be sure that it is legible. If you are filling out the form electronically, be sure that it saves correctly.  I have received pdf files that I could not read.  If I can’t read your file, I will not be able to add you to the list of possible candidates.

If you are a successful candidate, you will receive an email notification that a formal letter of appointment has been received and is waiting to be accepted through UR SelfServe. Unfortunately due to the number of applications received, unsuccessful candidates may not be contacted.

Laboratory Instructors

Duties: To provide instruction at weekly labs and to carry out duties related with the labs.

Qualifications: Excellent communication skills and a strong facility with the course content are required. Open to undergraduate and graduate students.


Duties: To grade assignments, quizzes, and midterm exams.

Qualifications: A strong facility with the course content is required. Open to undergraduate and graduate students.


NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)

The NSERC USRA program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to work on research projects under the direction of professors who hold NSERC Discovery Grants.