Do You Need Support?

Are You Safe?

Call Regina Police Service at 911 or Campus Security at 306-585-4999 (24 hrs) if you need emergency services.

Emergency Medical Care


Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) are available 24 hrs at both Regina hospitals. You do not have to disclose the situation to the triage nurse – just ask for the SANE nurse. The SANE team are experts dedicated to a trauma-informed and respectful approach to survivors of sexual assault, including a basic or more extensive medical examination, emergency medications and testing.

  • Pasqua Hospital: 4101 Dewdney St.

  • General Hospital: 1440-14th Ave.

Other Emergency Supports

  • Regina Sexual Assault Crisis Line (24 hrs): 306-352-0434

How You May Feel

A common reaction to sexual violence is to blame yourself, feel confused, and/or struggle to remember details or specifics of the event. You might also experience:

  • Exaggerated startle response or hyper-alertness.

  • Decrease in self-esteem, self-worth, or confidence.

  • Impairment in memory and concentration.

  • Avoidance of activities or people that arouse memories.

  • Flashbacks, nightmares, and trouble sleeping.

  • Difficulties trusting and feeling safe.

  • Changes in how you feel about your body.

  • Emotional upheaval creating mood swings such as anger, irritability, grief, depression, and loss.

  • Increase in the consumption of alcohol, drugs, food or exercise to manage intense emotion.

Ask For Help

Healing from sexual assault can take time and the experience can be different for everyone. If you have experienced sexual assault, ask for help.