Provost & Vice-President (Academic) Search

Update 6: 5 July 2022

Appointment of Dr. Isabelle Dostaler as Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Dear members of the University community,

As Chair of the Search Advisory Committee for the next Provost and Vice-President (Academic), I am pleased to announce that after a comprehensive search that included public presentations, the Committee has recommended – and the Board of Governors has approved – the appointment of Dr. Isabelle Dostaler to the position. Dr. Dostaler will begin her five-year term as Provost and Vice-President (Academic) on October 1, 2022, until which time david Gregory will continue to serve as Interim Provost.

Dr. Dostaler comes to the University of Regina from Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, where she has served as Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration since 2017. During her time at Memorial University, Dr. Dostaler developed a strategic plan for the Faculty of Business Administration, including a redesign of its undergraduate curriculum. In September 2019, she introduced an MBA in Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, which integrates experiential learning activities that train social entrepreneurs to efficiently run sustainable organizations. In that same year, she introduced a Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Business Administration program that is a partnership between the School of Music and the Faculty of Business. She also successfully prepared the Faculty of Business Administration for the maintenance of its accreditation.

Prior to joining Memorial University in 2017, Dr. Dostaler was a Professor of Management in the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University in Montreal. In that capacity, she held a number of administrative appointments, including Director of Accreditation, Director of the Aviation MBA, and Director of the Executive MBA.

Dr. Dostaler holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from HEC Montréal, and a PhD in Management Study from the University of Cambridge. Her research centres on the automotive, electronics, aerospace and aviation industries, and she is a strong advocate for bridging the gap between business research and business practice, and for community-engaged research. Her teaching interests are strategy, critical business thinking, and technology management. She is the author of more than 20 scholarly articles and book chapters, more than 40 practitioner articles, and several newspaper articles. She is a past recipient of the John Molson School of Business Dean’s Award for Distinguished Scholarship, and was a nominee for the Gérard-Parizeau award, which recognized the exceptional contribution of a Quebec university faculty member to the field of transportation.

In her role as Provost and Vice-President (Academic), Dr. Dostaler is deeply committed to helping the University advance the key objectives outlined in our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan: Discovery; Truth and Reconciliation; Well-being and Belonging; Environment and Climate Action; and Impact and Identity. I very much look forward to working with her to enhance the institution’s performance in areas such as student success and satisfaction, teaching and learning, experiential education, Indigenization and decolonization, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and institutional recovery from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

I wish to thank the members of the Search Advisory Committee – Dr. Taiwo Afolabi, Haroon Chaudhry, Dr. Shannon Dea, Dr. Jim Farney, Melanie Goodwin, Dr. Emily Grafton, Dr. Kathy McNutt, Dr. Zisis Papandreou, Dr. Bettina Schneider, Hannah Tait, Brett Waytuck, and Christina Winter, supported by Nancy Kazeil and D'arcy Schauerte – for their commitment and dedication during this important search. 

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Dostaler to the University of Regina and to her role as Provost and Vice-President (Academic), and in thanking Dr. Gregory for the outstanding service he has provided – and continues to provide – as Interim Provost. 

Yours sincerely,


Jeff Keshen

President and Vice-Chancellor    


Update 5: 7 June 2022

Members of the University community,

Following their presentations to campus, I am writing to invite your input on the four candidates for the position of Provost and Vice-President (Academic).

Please send your input to no later than 12:00 noon Monday 13 June.

All input received by then will be anonymized, collated, and circulated to members of the Search Advisory Committee.

On behalf of the Committee, I would like to thank all who joined the presentations over the last few weeks. The degree of interest indicates how important this position is to the University community, and your input will be reviewed thoroughly by the Committee as it prepares its recommendation.

Yours sincerely,

Jeff Keshen
President and Vice-Chancellor

Update 4: 20 May 2022  

The Search Advisory Committee is pleased to announce the four candidates shortlisted for the position of Provost and Vice-President (Academic).

The public presentations are open to University faculty, staff, students and external stakeholders. They will take place from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. in the Administration-Humanities Building Boardroom 527, via zoom and will be recorded for those unable to attend the live session. The recordings will be made available once all campus visits and presentations are complete.

I wish to thank the shortlisted candidates, the members of the Search Advisory Committee, and the campus community for their commitment to the success of this search.

Thank you.

Jeff Keshen
President and Vice-Chancellor

Update 3:  7 February 2022

The search Advisory Committee has finalized the job advertisement for the position of Provost and Vice-President (Academic) and it can be found on our search firms

To apply or explore this key academic leadership position at the University of Regina further, please contact Jane Griffith ( and Sam Walton (  This position is being posted and circulated to a variety of recruitment venues by our search firm.

Should you wish to send names and contact information of possible candidates, please send that information to Jane and/or Sam and they will reach out to those individuals directly.

Thank you.

Jeff Keshen
President and Vice-Chancellor


Update 2:  17 January 2022

The Search Advisory Committee for the next full-term Provost and Vice-President (Academic) recommended that a consultant be engaged to help with the search.

The committee has since prepared a Request for Proposals (RFP) that was issued for a period of two weeks by Supply Management Services. All submissions were subsequently forwarded for evaluation by the committee who selected Griffith Group as the consultant to be engaged in the search.  Griffith Group will begin assisting the committee immediately to ensure that the most qualified and diverse pool of candidates possible will be considered in the open search.

As well, a request was received to add a member to the committee to ensure it has Indigenous representation from the University's main campus as well as representation from the First Nations University of Canada.  After seeking advice from our Associate Vice-President (Indigenous engagement), Lori Campbell, I asked Dr. Emily Grafton, Associate Professor of Politics and International Studies in the Faculty of Arts, to join the committee.  Dr. Grafton agreed to serve and will be a member of the committee going forward.

Yours sincerely,

Jeff Keshen
President and Vice-Chancellor


Update 1:  10 Nov 2021

Dear members of the University community,

On Monday, November 8, I chaired the first meeting of the Search Advisory Committee for the next full-term Provost and Vice-President (Academic).  At that meeting, members provided input into a first draft of the position profile and job posting.  In addition, they made two recommendations, which I have accepted:

  • That the University issue a Request for Proposals to engage a search consultant who will provide expert assistance in producing the widest, most diverse, and most qualified applicant pool possible; and
  • That the search be an open one, with short-listed candidates giving public presentations to campus in the latter stages of the process.

As the committee (which operates per the Policy on Out of Scope Senior Appointments and whose membership is listed below) continues working toward a July 1, 2022 start date for the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), you will find regualr updates here.

Yours sincerely,

Jeff Keshen
President and Vice-Chancellor

Members of the Search Advisory Committee:

  • Dr. Jeff Keshen - President and Vice-Chancellor and Chair
  • Dr. Taiwo Afolabi - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance
  • Haroon Chaudhry - Interim Associate Vice-President (International)
  • Dr. Shannon Dea - Dean, Faculty of Arts
  • Dr. Jim Farney - Director and Associate Professor, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy - University of Regina campus
  • Melanie Goodwin - Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Saskatoon Campus
  • Dr. Emily Grafton - Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts, Politics and International Studies
  • Dr. Kathy McNutt - Vice-President (Research)
  • Dr. Zisis Papandreou - Professor and Department Head, Department of Physics
  • Dr. Bettina Schneider - Associate Professor of Indigenous Business & Public Administration and Associate Dean, Community, Research & Graduate Programs, First Nations University of Canada
  • Hannah Tait - President, University of Regina Students' Union
  • Brett Waytuck - University Librarian
  • Christina Winter - Copyright and Scholarly Communications Librarian and Chair of the Council Committee on Academic Mission