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Glenn Anaquod Memorial Tipi Raising Competition

Fri., Sep. 27, 2013 9:00 a.m. - Fri., Sep. 27, 2013 4:00 p.m.

Location: Dr. Lloyd Barber Academic Green

The Tipi Raising Competition was initiated by the late Cultural & Traditional Advisor Glen Anaquod, from the Muscowpetung First Nation. The Anaquod family previously participated in Tipi Raising Competitions held during Treaty Four celebrations. It was Advisor Anaquod's long standing wish to involve the University campus community, students and staff by hosting such a competition.

The goals of competition are to provide Aboriginal cultural awareness and present the opportunity to interact and learn in a fun environment. The competition emphasizes the importance of the tipi, culturally and educationally, all the while building the spirit of teamwork. Non Aboriginal participants are strongly encouraged to enter a team or simply come and watch the fun.

Competition categories include: High School, Women, Campus & Community.

The University of Regina Aboriginal Student Centre coordinates the competition every year. The annual Tipi Raising Competition is a part of the Cultural & Traditional Awareness program at the ASC. The core of the program is to educate the University community about the culture and traditions of Aboriginal people, while also providing support to students, staff and faculty.

Everyone is welcome to attend and compete. This years' event includes an instructional tipi raising at 9:30 am, following with the first round of competition at 10:00 am. Competition rounds will begin every half hour, giving teams of four the opportunity to raise a tipi within 20 minutes. Lunch is provided for competitors and volunteers.

There is no cost to attend or compete. Competition categories include: High School, Women, and Campus & Community. Please register by Wednesday, September 25.

Online registration form:
or contact the ASC at 306-337-3153, or drop by RIC 108.

Aboriginal Student Centre
Research & Innovation Centre 108
University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK  S4S 0A2
Phone: (306) 337-3153
Fax: (306) 337-3158