Tina Basi

Year of Graduation
1998 Double Major Honours degree
First Major: Women's Studies (honours)
Second Major: English Literature
Minor: Film and Video

Current Occupation: Corporate Ethnographer

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that a Women's Studies degree would not get me a job, I'd be rich. Thankfully I didn't listen and after finishing a BA in Women's Studies at the University of Regina (1998), an MA in Gender Studies (2001) and a PhD in Gender Studies/Sociology (2005) at the University of Leeds, corporate America came calling and I now work as a consultant carrying out varying pieces of corporate and industrial ethnography for Intel Corporation and a number of other smaller firms on local, regional, and global levels. A PhD in Gender Studies has given me an expertise in the field of commercial ethnography, more than just telling businesses ‘what women want', I am involved with informing designers, engineers, strategists, and others about the ways in which patriarchal structures shape most everyday experiences. A feminist focus on interdisciplinary study has taught me how to translate my work across disciplines, a skill that has proven useful in the commercial sector.