U of R Physicists acknowledged by the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly

Drs. Zisis Papandreou and George Lolos were introduced to and acknowledged by the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly on March 27, 2012.  This was in connection to the successful completion of a major milestone in the GlueX Project at Regina.  Below, are the two speeches given on this accomplishment.

The printed record in Hansard from the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly on March 26, 2012:
The Speaker: — I recognize the Minister of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration.
Honourable Mr. Rob Norris: — Thanks very much, Mr. Speaker. To you and through you to all members of the Assembly, I’d like to introduce Dr. Zisis Papandreou and Dr. George Lolos, both esteemed physicists from the University of Regina. Both of these individuals, as well as the university, are playing a key role in a major international subatomic physics project known as GlueX, which seeks to uncover how matter is held together in the universe.
GlueX is run by the Jefferson Labs out of Virginia. It has a number of US [United States] and Canadian partners, including Illinois university, Carnegie Mellon University as well as NSERC [Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada] and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. And it’s been classified by the United States Department of Energy as a discovery potential experiment, meaning that it has Nobel Prize winning potential.
As a result of their work, these two esteemed physicists are not simply helping to unveil and discover fundamental truths of our universe, but they’re also working on key aspects of applied research in areas like medical imaging, Mr. Speaker. I’d ask all members to join me in welcoming these two esteemed physicists to their legislature.

The Speaker: — I recognize the Member of Legislative Assembly Regina Douglas Park.
Mr. Russ Marchuk: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, last Friday I, along with the Minister of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration, the Minister for Government Services, and the member from Regina Walsh Acres, had the pleasure of celebrating a major milestone with our guest physicists today, Dr. Lolos and Papandreou from the University of Regina working on the GlueX project.
As you heard, Mr. Speaker, GlueX is an international project with collaborators from the University of Regina, Indiana University, Carnegie Mellon University, and the Jefferson Lab in Virginia, researching how matter is held together at a subatomic level. Mr. Speaker, this truly is nuclear physics at the highest level.
Here at the University of Regina, the construction of the barrel calorimeter has helped our physicists learn more about protons and neutrons and significantly contribute to the discussion of how matter is held together. Our government recognizes the value and importance of research and innovation and its impact on our province, Canada, and the world. The leading-edge work being done on the GlueX project supports our government’s vision for a research- and innovation-driven knowledge economy. This milestone for the University of Regina will build upon its reputation as a leading institution in research and innovation in Canada and abroad.
Mr. Speaker, I’d like all members to join me again in commending the research team at the University of Regina for their work on the GlueX project that will set new milestones in the area of international physics. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

To see the video link, click on this link.
Then click on the first link under "Legislative Assembly - Video Archive"
Fast forward to minute 9:50 to see Minister Norris speak and minute 19:08 to see Mr. Marchuk speak.