A nucleus with electrons, quarks and gluons
Faculty of Science


Physics spans from zero to infinity in space, time and energy; its symmetry and elegance is reflected in the beauty of the universe.

Interested in studying physics? 

Our undergraduate programs lead to B.Sc. and B.Sc. Honours degrees in pure and applied/industrial physics. We also offer a broad range of co-operative education programs that connect students to local industry and national laboratories. At the graduate level, we offer M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in experimental subatomic physics, astronomy, nuclear theory, and nuclear imaging.

Our research is pursued locally, within other areas of Canada, as well as the United States, Europe, and Japan.


Contact the Department of Physics

Our Programs

Undergraduate (BSc, BSc Hons, Co-op)

Graduate (MSc, PhD)

Explore Physics

Dr. Gwen Grinyer with physics graduate students at TRIUMF.


Who we are!
Student inspecting a detector.

Areas of Research

Learn what our faculty are researching now.
Physics Students Society logo

Physics Students Society

Join in the Fun!
Dr. Teymurazyan and Dr. Papandreou

Message from the Department Head

Learn more about our history, read testimonials.
TRIUMF facilities.

Employment Opportunities

For students and beyond.
UofR Delegates at Jefferson Lab

Feature Stories

Read about some of the exciting news happening with our students and faculty!


Science Fair winners with their display

It is a truism that familiarity breeds contempt. Those of us who live and breath the world of physics (and science in general) do so because it is interesting to us, but we often forget how strange and exciting what we do can look to those who don’t share in our day-to-day activities. Physics, indeed science in general, can also appear to be quite intimidating. Our outreach program works to  build the knowledge of those who attend our events and excite the minds of potential upcoming scientists.

Dr. Pierre Ouimet is the Chief Judge for the Regina Regional Science Fair (2025) and was the Chief Judge (Recruitment) for the Canada Wide Science Fair 2017 (Regina) and 2023 (Edmonton).

Dr. Papandreou and Mr. Katsaganis with elementary school students

Seminars and Events