How Partnership Works

There are typically two ways partnerships can be established:

  • a researcher makes a connection with a potential partner
  • a researcher wishes to find a potential partner.

In both cases, the first step is to contact the Manager, Research Partnerships to begin the process of facilitating a formal partnership.

Partnerships are established through one of two avenues:

  1. Application to a partnership-based funding opportunity:
    • Researchers wishing to pursue a partnership-based funding opportunity should contact the Research Office as early as possible. The Research Office can help researchers find suitable partners and can help with coordination and development of the funding opportunity application.
  2. Negotiation of a research contract:
    • Partnerships that do not involve formal funding opportunities (e.g., an industry partner wishes to use the expertise of a university researcher to help solve a unique problem) are governed by research contracts that are negotiated between the University and the external partner. Researchers wishing to pursue a research contract should first contact the Research Office. Research Office personnel will facilitate negotiation of the contract and assist with finding an external partner(s) as needed. 

Also, partnered research at the University of Regina is governed by a number of Guiding Principles that all researchers and potential partners should know.