Technical Support
For IT related concerns, please contact the Service Desk using any of the methods below:
Service Desk Locations
ED 137 (Education)
Archer Library (Main Floor)
If you intend to use UR Courses for the upcoming semester, please login and complete the Faculty Course Creation Form.
For features or changes you'd like to request, or for issues regarding enrolment, course restoration, guest accounts, and other more technical considerations, please submit a UR Courses ticket.
Instructor Guides and Training
Instructor Guides for UR Courses are maintained by Technology Training & Support and Instructional Technologies in Information Services.
Training sessions are offered by the Technology Training & Support (TTS) on the fifth floor of the Education Building (ED 548). Check the training schedule for the next upcoming session. TTS also offers Friday drop-in sessions if you are looking for quick answers or one-to-one support.
Resources & Support for Remote Teaching:
UR Courses Drop-in Assistance is available at or by joining Zoom ID: UR.Remote Hours 9:00 AM - 4 PM daily.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access UR Courses?
UR Courses can be accessed from a link on the University's homepage, or by going directly to
What is my username and password?
UR Courses uses your username and password, the same credentials used to access your e-mail account.
How do I request a course in UR Courses?
If you intend to use UR Courses for the upcoming semester, please login and complete the Faculty Course Creation Form, (located within UR Courses).
How can I tell if there are new discussion forum postings, e-mails, or messages within my courses?
After logging into UR Courses, courses with new forum postings or e-mails will have an associated icon on the main home page. Clicking the icon will take you directly to the relevant section of your course.
New messages sent from other users while you are offline will appear in a pop-up window after logging in. To check for messages, visit your profile page and click on "Messages".
How do I stop forwarding course e-mail to my e-mail address?
If your course uses the Course E-mail tool, log into UR Courses and enter the course you wish to disable notifications for. Access the Course E-mail tool and navigate to "E-mail Notifications". Select the "Do not notify me" option and then "Save my preference". At present, notifications need to be enabled/disabled within each course itself.
How can I change the title of my course?
Edit the settings of your course by going to "Settings" and change the text within the "Course full name" field.
How can I control the availability of my course to students?
If you are not quite ready for students to access your course when enrolment happens at the beginning of the semester, go to "Settings" and change the "Visible" setting to "Hide".
What material can I use in my online course?
For more information regarding copyright and the use of copyright material in your course, please see the University's Copyright information page.
Additional information is available in our Instructor Guide.
Are we missing something? Submit your question(s) to