Housing Community Options

Gender Inclusive Housing

We understand that it is not always ideal or comfortable for some students to have same gender room assignments, we also understand that for other students it is not ideal or comfortable to have mixed gender room assignments. Most of our housing floors are mixed gender by floor, but single gender by apartment, though we are transitioning to Gender Inclusive Housing throughout our buildings as the requests for mixed gender housing increase.

For those students who are looking for gender inclusive housing or single gender floors, we have several options available in the application process.

Gender Inclusive Housing

Designed to provide a welcoming space for all gender identities, gender inclusive housing is not limited to binary genders. This is an option that places no restriction on the gender of roommates, so it allows for same gender, opposite gender, and/or other gender identities to live together. Students signing up for all gender housing may find that they have roommates from across the gender spectrum, but mixed gender housing is not guaranteed.

All Female Floor

All apartments on these floors will be reserved for students who identify as female.

All Male Floor

All apartments on these floors will be reserved for students who identify as male.

Colourful Campus

Run in partnership with URPride, Colourful Campus House provides a safe place for people of all genders and sexual  orientations. For more information, please see the 2SLGBTQIAP+ section of our website.


If one of these options is right for you,

check the box on the Housing Community Options page of your application.