Fact Brochures
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Statistics assist the University in making sound business decisions. Numerous reports are available through the Office of Institutional Research. Some are produced annually, others are produced each term, and still others on an ad hoc basis. Below are descriptions of the reports in this section of the website. Please use the left navigation to view the reports. We recommend using a PC or laptop for full content as documentation may not appear correctly on mobile devices.
Please note: Because the Fall (30) Term report (end of the fourth week of classes) is submitted annually to the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) for inclusion in their national survey of preliminary student enrolments across Canada, we encourage using statistics from that report (found under Student Headcounts) for most inquiries.
Report Descriptions
Student Headcounts
- Student Counts as of Universities Canada's National Fall Count Data (end of the fourth week of classes)
- "As of date" counts; actual enrolments may increase slightly as late registration information is added.
- Students counted are registered in the Fall Term for one or more credits towards a University of Regina Degree, Certificate or Diploma.
- Graduate students maintain status while engaged in thesis work.
Registration Statistics
- Contain both headcount and credit hour information
- "In-progress" management tools
- Three reports produced each semester:
- As of the day prior to the first day of the semester
- As of the last day of the 50% tuition refund date
- On the last day of lectures for that semester
Supplemental Registration Reports
- Extensive detailed reports coinciding with 50% tuition refund date.
- Provide further breakdown of registration data, such as: student cohorts, College and Faculty, International Status, Graduate Students by faculty, etc.
Student Convocation Statistics
- In accordance with The University of Regina Act, Senate provides for the granting of degrees and certificates of proficiency.
- Details of approved University of Regina degrees and certificates of proficiency are found in the University of Regina Undergraduate Calendar or the University of Regina Graduate Academic Calendar.
- Details of Convocation procedures are found in the Convocation Procedures Manual.
Tuition Fees and Living Costs
- Tuition and Living Costs for Full Time Students are reported to Statistics Canada annually.
- Upon approval of the current fiscal budget for the University of Regina, tuition fees are set in accordance with the tuition policy.
Faculty and Staff Statistics
- The Academic Workforce Demographics report from U of R Human Resources
- University of Regina only; does not include the three Federated Colleges.
- The University publishes salaries of employees with an annual base of $100,000 or greater.