Conducting Surveys

The University of Regina participates in a number of surveys that are intended to collect data about its students, alumni, faculty and staff for administrative, planning and reporting purposes. The list to the left identifies the most recognizable surveys the University of Regina participates in; by clicking on the link you will find the most recent reports summarizing key information garnered from the surveys.

Surveys are a way to share students' voices with the University and the Community.

Planning a Survey

Any group or individual (internal or external) wishing to conduct a survey that is within the scope of the University's Surveys Policy is required to submit a proposal to the Survey Management Committee and seek permission to proceed. To ensure all of the required information is included in the proposal, please complete the Survey Application form and submit it to the Survey Management Committee.

It is important to note that the Office of Institutional Research does not conduct surveys on behalf of any internal or external group or individual.

To find out about current or future surveys which may impact your survey schedule, for more information about planning your survey, or to submit an application to the Survey Management Committee, please contact the Survey Committee Coordinator, Constance Hammermeister.

Survey Software (including Qualtrics)

The survey policy imposes no specific choice of the platform used to conduct an approved survey. The survey sponsor is wholly responsible for selection and operation of a survey platform.

However, the University of Regina has an institutional license for Qualtrics -- a web-based survey software that offers many advanced, user-friendly features. Thus Qualtrics will be a preferred option for most survey sponsors. All employees and students of the University of Regina have unlimited use of Qualtrics for teaching, learning and research. Commercial use of the system, including sponsored research, is not permitted.

Information Services provides technical information on Qualtrics, including log in instructions, at:

The Archer Library provides learning resources for using Qualtrics, and survey design, at: