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Career Development Seminars

Wed., Apr. 11, 2012 1:30 p.m.

Location: Room 252 Riddell Centre, Computer Lab, Student Success Centre

Starting a Portfolio (1:30-2:20 p.m.)

Not sure why or how to develop a portfolio? A portfolio presents evidence of your knowledge, skills and abilities, attitudes, experience and other characteristics and qualifications acquired through studying and other learning experiences (e.g., community/volunteer and paid work). Learn how to develop specialized portfolios to present in interviews for employment and other purposes, such as requesting academic credit based on prior learning (RPL).

Choosing or Re-Evaluating Your Career Direction (3:00 - 4:30 p.m.)

Undecided about your major? Re-evaluating your educational or career direction? Develop a lifelong foundation of strategies, skills and resources for making informed career decisions and re-decisions. Attend this seminar to learn more about actively managing your educational and career development, and how to use some interesting resources for self-assessment, exploring options for study and work, and re-evaluating choices already made. Enjoy building and managing your career!

Check the Career Seminars calendar for the detailed schedule.