Ferne's Story - Local Government Authority

I decided to enrol at the University of Regina in the Local Government Authority Certificate Program (to obtain the Advanced Certificate), because as a person who has spent the last twelve years working with all different levels of government on a professional, personal and volunteer basis, I saw a growing need for qualified people in this role. As a great number of administrators will be retiring in the coming years, our communities need more than just qualified people, they need people who really care about doing the job to the best of their ability and care about doing it right. It's not just a job, it's a calling to community service. I don't see the Administrator of a municipality as the Captain of the ship, that's the Council. I see the Administration as both the crew manning the ship and performing the work that allows it to function, and as the lighthouse guiding it. The Captain (Council) has determined where we need to go, and it is our job to get them there safely. My experience in this program has re-enforced that view.

This course provided me with the opportunity to network not just with classmates from many different walks of life and professions, but with professors with real-life and relatable experiences that I was able to learn from. I enjoyed the open-minded and rich interaction with both classmates and professors. From electives that helped me obtain a better understanding of communications, writing, and public relations, to required courses that brought a whole new understanding of the accounting process and requirements, the knowledge gained in this course is diverse. I've been able to apply both the theoretical and practical knowledge in my personal life as well as professionally.

The online environment and flexibility of the course allowed me to work through it at my own pace, taking as many or as few classes as I felt I could while working around my work and personal schedules. The information in this course is not just for people wanting to become Administrators. Anyone who has regular dealings with a municipal administration, whether they're leaders of community groups or members of council, would benefit from taking this course. I strongly encourage anyone considering running for municipal council or pursuing a career in politics or public service at all to take this course. Even just taking the introductory class in the course will bring a greater understanding of and respect for the inner-workings, responsibilities, and limitations of not just a municipal administration, but any administration that runs under a council or board of directors.

I look forward to a rewarding and challenging career in Local Government Administration, thanks to the U of R's LGA program.

Ferne - November 2015

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