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  4. EMP-010-030 Out-of-Scope Senior Appointments
University of Regina Policy

Out-of-Scope Senior Appointments

Audience:All University employees
Issued:November 01, 2002
Revised:July 25, 2023
Owner(s):President and Vice-Chancellor
Approved by:Board of Governors
Contact:Associate Vice-President (Human Resources) - 306-585-5155


The University of Regina recognizes that, in order to support the mission and strategic plan of the University, it is essential that we continue to attract exceptional candidates for our out-of-scope senior positions. Further, the University recognizes that there must be an appropriate balance between the need for confidentiality expressed by candidates for out-of-scope senior positions who currently occupy positions elsewhere, and the need for meaningful input into the selection process by those who will work closely with the new appointee. This document provides the basis for this balance by outlining appointment and renewal procedures for out-of-scope senior positions.



The overarching goal of this policy is to recruit competent, highly engaged leaders within the University. It is essential that the process also conforms to a high standard of practice that is consistent with the following principles:


Recruitment and renewal processes are unbiased and ensure that all candidates, whether internal or external, are treated in an equitable manner throughout, rated against the same criteria, and given equal opportunity to be evaluated for suitability for the position.


Searches and renewals must be conducted in such a way that all actions, recommendations and decisions are in accordance with Canadian immigration legislation, human rights legislation, the Saskatchewan Employment Act and ethical best practice.


The principle of transparency must find a balance between respecting the need for confidentiality expressed by candidates, and appropriate communication with the constituencies most directly affected by the appointment. At a minimum, the search process, the search procedures and composition of the Search Advisory Committee shall be readily available and accessible to all interested parties. The Search Advisory Committee Chair is responsible for ensuring communication to the community and the candidates about the process as it unfolds. When deemed appropriate by the Search Advisory Committee Chair, the University may engage community and relevant stakeholders in the search and renewal processes. This can involve soliciting feedback, conducting open forums, or providing opportunities for input and suggestions from the wider community.


The deliberations and documentation of the Search Advisory Committee will not be shared beyond the committee. Members of such committees will be bound by confidentiality.

Information or documentation relating to candidates will not be shared beyond the Search Advisory Committee without the express permission of the candidates.


The University of Regina is committed to the development of a representative workforce that mirrors the community in which we reside, recognizing that individuals may experience disadvantages due to one or more of the grounds of discrimination that are prohibited by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission. The search process must be respectful of all groups and individuals, with all involved guarding against unconscious bias in the search and hiring process with the ultimate goal of achieving equity in the workforce.


The University of Regina is committed to encouraging respect for all individuals and creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive recruitment experience.


Roles and Responsibilities

Supervising Authority/Search Advisory Committee Chair

The Supervising Authority is responsible for establishing a Search Advisory Committee in the case of an initial appointment, or a Reappointment Committee in the case of the renewal of an appointment. The supervising authority shall normally be the Search Advisory Committee Chair. The primary responsibilities of the Search Advisory Committee Chair shall be to establish the search process to be used, to establish the composition of the Search Advisory Committee, and to:

  • guide the committee in developing and implementing the search plan;
  • oversee the professional and timely operation of the committee;
  • guarantee an opportunity for all qualified candidates (both internal and external) to receive committee consideration;
  • ensure that complete records of meetings and action are maintained;
  • maintain the confidentiality of the committee proceedings, communications with candidates and the identity of candidates, to the extent permitted by law;
  • be the sole spokesperson regarding committee activities and the status of the search process;
  • ensure communication with candidates and inform them of the status of the search process; and
  • compile a report from the Search Advisory Committee, summarizing the process and lessons learned for the benefit of future searches.

Search Advisory Committee Purpose and Composition

The basic charge of a Search Advisory Committee is to generate a strong pool of candidates and advise the Search Committee Chair of those candidates best qualified to meet the University's needs. These duties shall be accomplished in a professional and timely manner. The Search Advisory Committee should be constituted and the search process commenced as quickly as is reasonably possible after it becomes known that a vacancy will occur.

The Search Advisory Committee Chair will establish the composition of the committee, ensuring appropriate representation from the University community and other appropriate stakeholders. The composition of the committee shall be made public prior to the first meeting of the committee.

Consequences for Noncompliance

In cases of non-compliance with this policy, the Appointing Authority may choose not to consider any of the candidates and order a new search be conducted.


Initial Appointment

Before commencing its search, the Search Advisory Committee Chair will consult with the committee to discuss and clarify the desired academic or leadership credentials for candidates and any other appropriate criteria for screening and selecting candidates. The Search Committee Chair, in consultation with the committee, will determine the most important qualities needed and an appropriate search plan.

At the discretion of the Search Advisory Committee Chair, a committee may engage a professional consultant or search firm to assist the committee in its work.

The Search Advisory Committee’s central task is to attract and evaluate qualified candidates, and make recommendations to the Chair regarding them. 

The Search Advisory Committee will adhere to the Employment Equity and Diversity Policy EMP-010-010.

The Search Advisory Committee Chair will, in consultation with the committee, determine which candidates will be interviewed. The Search Advisory Committee Chair shall also have the authority to interview a highly qualified candidate who has not been recommended by the Search Advisory Committee.

The Search Advisory Committee will evaluate the candidates by means of interviews, presentations and other methods by which appropriate information may be obtained. Before making a final selection, the Search Advisory Committee Chair will consult with the committee. The Search Advisory Committee Chair shall be solely responsible for the final recommendation to the Appointing Authority.

Renewal of Term

The normal out-of-scope appointment period for a senior academic appointment (i.e. President, Provost, Vice-President (Research), AVP Academic, Dean, Associate Dean) is 5 years.

Each appointment is normally renewable for one subsequent 5-year period, subject to the reappointment process identified below. Renewals beyond the subsequent 5-year appointment will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Out-of-scope senior administrative appointments (i.e. Vice-President (Administration), University Secretary, Administrative AVPs) are normally continuing appointments.

For individuals that are named to an appointment with a definite term, during the penultimate year of the out-of-scope individual's term, the Supervising Authority and the individual will meet. If the two agree that a subsequent term should be considered, the Supervising Authority will initiate the renewal process.

The Supervising Authority will establish a Reappointment Committee which is advisory to the Supervising Authority. The Supervising Authority shall ensure that the committee has appropriate representation from the University community and other appropriate stakeholders. The composition of the committee shall be made public prior to the first meeting of the committee.

The individual will be invited to prepare a summary of accomplishments during the current term, a brief statement describing (in the context of the University’s Strategic Plan) a vision for the unit over the next five years and current curriculum vitae. The vision will be publicly available and all of the documents will be available to the committee.

The deliberations of the committee are strictly confidential. The committee will seek input from those who have worked closely with the individual. Having considered the input received and having met with the individual, the committee will advise the Supervising Authority regarding reappointment.

The Supervising Authority will consider the advice of the committee and the annual performance evaluations of the individual during the time in the position, and will make a recommendation to the Appointing Authority.

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