The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) is the Canadian federal funding agency that supports and promotes research training in the humanities and social sciences fields. SSHRC offers the following recurring funding opportunities and occasionally runs other programs, such as Knowledge Synthesis, and special joint initiatives.

Insight Grants : Support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities.  Funding is available to both emerging and established scholars for long-term research initiatives of three to five years, up to $400,000.

Insight Development Grants : Support research in its initial stages. The grants enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas. This competition has a separate budgetary envelope for Emerging Scholars. Insight Development Grants have a value of $7,000 to $75,000 over 1 to 2 years.

Partnership Grants : Provide support to new or existing formal partnerships for initiatives that advance research, research training and/or knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities. Partnership Grants are Institutional grants, led by a project director, with a maximum of $500,000 per year over four to seven years, up to a total of $2.5 million. A minimum 35% institutional and partner contributions are required above and beyond SSHRC funding during life of grant. This competition has a two-stage application process: Letter of Intent (LOI) and Formal Application (by invitation only).

Partnership Development Grants : Provide support to foster new research and/or related activities with new or existing partners; and to design and test new partnership approaches for research and/or related activities. Partnership Development Grants have a value of $75,000 to $200,000 over 1 to 3 years. While there is no minimum contribution required from partners, applicants and partners are expected to demonstrate that a formal partnership exists or will be developed, in part through the financial and nonfinancial commitments made by partners. This competition has a one-stage application process.

Connection Grants : Support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. Connection Grants have a value of $7,000 to $25,000 for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities, over 1 year. SSHRC will not fund the full cost of any connection event or outreach activity. Additional support in the form of cash and/or in-kind contributions (excluding registration fees), equivalent to a minimum of 50% of the amount requested from SSHRC, must come from sponsoring organizations. This competition has a one-stage application process, with applications adjudicated 4 times per year.


For further information on SSHRC please contact:

Barb Flynn, SSHRC Research Facilitator

Phone: 306.585.5383
