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Communicate Your Success
There are several stages throughout the research process when you should communicate your success, including:
- Notification of Receipt of a Grant or Award
- Major Research Milestones and Breakthroughs
- Global, National, Provincial, and Local Research Promotions and Events
- Conclusion of Your Project
Notification of Receipt of a Grant or Award
Upon receiving notification that your application was successful and you will be receiving an award or grant, communicate the details with the following individuals or units:
- Your Dean/Department Head
- The Office of Research Services
- External Relations - Communications and Marketing (note that public announcements of research success must be made in accordance with the sponsor's rules and stipulations regarding communication and announcements).
- In the case of an award, communicate the details to the University Awards Facilitator (see under President's Team)
Major Research Milestones and Breakthroughs
If, during your research, you generate some exciting preliminary findings, make a new discovery, or are working on a project relevant to a current event, you are encouraged to communicate the details with Communications and Marketing and with the Research Office. Note that any restrictions or stipulations by sponsors or restrictions related to IP protection must be observed.
Global, National, Provincial, and Local Research Promotions and Events
Throughout the year, different days, weeks, and months are designated as times of celebration, observance, and/or promotion of certain types or research or certain social issues (e.g, Health Research Week, Engineering Week, Earth Day, Women's History Month, etc.). Often, the university or different university groups or organizations will host special events on campus or around the community in honour of these occasions. Also, special supplements are sometimes run in newspapers and other media highlighting research and activities relevant to these special occasions. Contact Communications and Marketing if you would like to highlight your research in conjunction with one of these designated observances.
Conclusion of Your Project
When your project is concluded, contact the Office of Research Services and Communications and Marketing to share and promote your results and findings. Note that restrictions or stipulations by sponsors or restrictions related to IP protection must be observed.