Digital Future

Digital Future researchers are leading the way through innovation and creativity in computing and digital media. They are performing research in data mining, wise computing; visualization; data security & policy; design, creation and analysis of emerging technologies; and within the digital humanities.  They are emphasizing effective, efficient and sensitive decision-making by working with new information accumulated from diverse sources in scaled quantities of heterogeneous, electronic data.  The growth and continuous expansion of the data culture provides constant opportunities for our researchers to innovate, partner, develop and produce across fields such as commerce, science, education, healthcare, public administration, the arts and culture industries.

Digital Future Research Cluster Brochure.





Research interests/Keywords



Al-Anbagi, Ifran Assistant Professor Electronic Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Smart Grids, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Electric Vehicles, Vehicle-to-Grid Systems (V2G), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Wireless Networks
Armstrong, Alayne Assistant Professor Faculty of Education Emergent technological practices, learning disabilities, mathematics education, handheld technologies
Bais, Abdul Assistant Professor Electronic Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Signal Processing, Multimedia Coding and Network Delivery, Vehicular Communication, Fog Computing and the Internet of Everything
Barbi, Mauricio Professor Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Dark-matter, International Linear Collider, Neutrino oscillation, Tokai-to-Kamioka
Bonner, Bill Associate Professor Faculty of Business Administration Intersection of privacy, Decision making, Information technologies in public or private sector organizations
Caines, Rebecca Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Programs Coordinator Faculty of Media, Art and Performance Performance studies, creative technologies, community-based practices, new media, sound art, improvisation, site-specific art, cultural studies, augmentation
Campbell, Ian Lab Instructor Department of Film, Faculty of Media, Art and Performance Digital Filmmaking and Visual Effects, VJ culture and Live Improvised Visuals, Kinetic Sculpture and 3D printing
Couros, Alec Associate Professor, ICT Coordinator Information and Communication Openness in education, networked learning, social media in education, doigital citizenship, critical media literacy.
Davies, Shauna Instructor III Faculty of Nursing Nursing informatics, high fidelity simulation
Donelly, Glenn Associate Dean (Graduate), Associate Professor Faculty of Nursing Clinical nursing practice, Acute care nursing, Primary care
East, Allan Professor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Science Computational Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry
Gerhard, David Professor Department of Computer Science,Faculty of Science Biometric Analytics, Human Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Creativity
Hamilton, Howard Professor Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining, Computer Animation: Animation Software Design and Planning for Animated Characters, Temporal Representation and Reasoning, and Machine Learning.
Hepting, Daryl Associate Professor Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Arts Environmental decision support, eyewitness identification, multimedia composition, complex information spaces
Herman, Allen Professor Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science Algebras and representation theory
Hoeber, Orland Associate Professor Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science Information visualization, geovisual analytics, web search interfaces, web intelligence & personalization, and mobile computing
Horowitz, Risa Associate Professor Visual Arts Department, Faculty of Media, Art and Performance Photo-based media, time-based, conceptual, collecting, and durational practices, amateurism and hobby, practice-based research
Huang, Gordon Professor Environmental Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Water resources and environmental systems engineering, simulation of hydrological and environmental systems, planning of energy and environmental management systems
Huber, Garth Professor Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Structure and properties of hadrons, quark-gluon structure, quark and gluon interactions
James, Anne Sessional Lecturer Department of English, Faculty of Arts Bibliographic database of early modern (1530-1715) manuscript sermons and sermon notes, John Donne, collective memory, the Gunpowder Plot Anne
Longo, Justin Assistant Professor, Cisco Systems Research Chair in Big Data and Open Government Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy Digital governance, Open governance, Computer-supported collaboration, Big data for policy making, Environmental sustainability
McNutt, Kathleen Executive Director Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy Digital government, Social Media Policy, Analysis Program Evaluation
Morgan, Yasser Associate Professor Software Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Wireless MESH Networks, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, MAC layer and Service Discovery algorithms, Mobile Applications and Middleware, Location-Aware Applications and Mobile Agent, Vehicular Communications specially DSRC and VII, Distributed and Pervasive Computing, Software Engineering Models
Mouhoub, Malek Professor, Department Head Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science Constraint solving and optimization, spatio-temporal reasoning, reasoning under preferences and uncertainty, reactive scheduling and planning, robot motion planning, dynamic vehicle routing
Papandreou, Zisis Professor Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Exotic Hybrid Mesons, Nuclear Glue and Confinement, Electromagnetic Form Factor of the Proton and the Neutron,Nuclear Imaging Technologies
Pennycook, Gordon Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business Administration Behavioural science, judgment and decision-making, beliefs, metacognition, misinformation, fake news, social media
Ricketts, Kathryn Assistant Professor Faculty of Education Spectatorship and the culturally-inscripted body, transformative learning, horizontal plane of transmission.
Robertson, Carmen Professor Visual Arts Department, Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance Media and popular culture constructions of Indigenous peoples, Anishinaabe artist Norval Morrisseau, issues related to Indigenous pedagogy and how the arts offer fresh curricular directions.
Rogers, Randal Associate Professor Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance Visual cultures of forensics, spies and sexualities, biopolitics, flight/crash/simulation, universal expositions
Sadaoui, Samira Professor Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science Fraud Detection in E-commerce, Online Auction Fraud, Incremental Machine Learning, Outlier Detection, SVM, Winner Determination in Reverse Auctions, Evolutionary Computation, Multi-Objective Optimization, Combinatorial Auctions
Siemer, Julia Associate Professor, Coordinator-BGISc program Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, Faculty of Arts Thematic cartography, visualization in geographic information systems, and atlas cartography
Simpson, Gavin Quantitative Environmental Scientist Department of Biology, Faculty of Science Quantitative Ecology, Paleoecology, Environmental Change
Shami, Jeanne Professor Emeritus / Adjunct Professor Department of English, Faculty of Arts Early modern literature and culture, John Donne, sermons, women and sermons, material culture, historical formalisms
Smith, Megan Assistant Professor Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance New media, geo-location, storytelling, creative technologies, community-based practices, site-specific art, curation, DIY & maker culture, pop-up festival culture.
Teymurazyan, Aram Assistant Professor Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Development/implementation of novel detector technologies and imaging modalities, applications of radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
Williams, Jaime Assistant Professor Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts Mixed methods investigations of issues in health and aging, and research- creation of multimedia visual/performance art engaging concepts of gender, identity and performing the self, labour and power relations, and personal and collective autonomy
Yang, Xue Dong Professor Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Visualization.
Yao, JingTao Professor Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science Soft Computing, Data Mining, Forecasting, Neural Networks, Computational Finance, Electronic Commerce, Web Intelligence, Web-based Support Systems, and Software Engineering.
Yao, Yiyu Professor Department of Computer Science,Faculty of Science Web Intelligence, Granular Computing, Rough Sets, Information Retrieval, Uncertainty Management in Intelligent Information Systems, Cognitive Informatics, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Data Mining.
Zapata, Oscar Assistant Professor Economics Environmental and resource economics, behavioral and experimental economics, development economics, and applied econometrics, with specific emphasis in the economics of water and climate change. 
Zilles, Sandra Associate Professor Department of Computer Science,Faculty of Science Computational Learning Theory, Machine Learning, Algorithms, and Heuristic Search