Job Searching - Short-Term Employment

Below are organizations, services and businesses that offer short-term work (i.e., summer, term, student, part-time, casual). Also search lists of job databases (e.g., All Fields and Specialized Fields) by keywords such as "summer," "temporary" or "casual." Many jobs are not widely advertised, so also directly connect with employers related to your interests or convenient to you, for example, visit their website or stop by their location.

Note. The following databases, organizations, businesses, services and information are provided for information purposes. The Career Centre does not endorse any specific ones. You are responsible for assessing opportunities for their quality, safety and legitimacy for your purpose.

Short-Term Employment

  1. Canada Summer Jobs - Youth 15-30 years (1000s of summer jobs across Canada)
  2. City of Regina
  3. Conexus Arts Centre - Current Positions Available (various part-time positions)
  4. Government of Canada (GC) - Student Employment (lists all student programs)
  5. GC - Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP in 100s of fields, 1000s of jobs)
  6. GC - Other Specialized Recruitment
  7. GC - Research Assistant Program (RAP) for Students
  8. Province of Saskatchewan - Jobs Available to Students
  9. REAL District (Regina Exhibition Assoc.) - Opportunities (host major events - arts, culture, exhibitions, recreation, sports)
  10. Saskatchewan Science Centre
  11. SaskCulture - Job Listings
  12. Sask Sport - Jobs in Sport, Culture & Recreation
  13. UR Careers - Student & Casual Categories (on-campus jobs)
  14. UR Recreation Services - Employment (part-time, casual, summer)
  15. UR Students' Union - URSU Job Listings (seasonal, part-time, full-time)