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  4. GOV-100-017 Emergency Management
University of Regina Policy

Emergency Management

Audience:All University employees
Issued:May 22, 2001
Revised:January 12, 2023
Owner(s):AVP (Human Resources)
Approved by:VP (Administration)
Contact:Director, Health, Safety & Wellness - 306-585-4776


The University of Regina is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for those who learn, work, live, and visit at the University. The University, like any other large organization, is potentially subject to natural, technological and human-made emergencies that could threaten the University community, its core academic mission, and/or environment. The University has developed and maintains this Emergency Management Policy, and related Emergency Management Plan and Emergency Closure Procedures, which provides the framework to ensure that the University is prepared to deal with such events.



The University's Emergency Management Plan is based on the Incident Command System utilizing the elements of preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery, including business and academic continuity. Effective response to an emergency requires good communications, efficient notification procedures, proper equipment, written procedures, and trained personnel to carry them out.

Meeting these requirements on a long-term basis requires active emergency management planning and training that maintains these elements at peak efficiency. The University accomplishes this through the Emergency Management Committee, Emergency Management Plan and related training initiatives.

The plan describes in detail the roles and responsibilities of departments, faculties and individuals, and their relationships with the City of Regina Emergency Response Agencies that may support them if the emergency warrants community assistance. The Emergency Management Plan unifies the efforts of the University's faculties and departments to provide a comprehensive approach to respond to and reduce the impacts of emergencies.

To ensure the Emergency Management Plan functions effectively, the University will conduct regular emergency training exercises with key internal and external stakeholders.

The University shall implement its Emergency Management Plan in the event of any emergency that threatens the safety, health, and environment of the University community.

The authority and responsibility for closure, for rescheduling classes on a university-wide basis, and for curtailing non-essential services is detailed in the Emergency Management Plan and Emergency Closure Procedures.


Roles and Responsibilities

The Director of Emergency Operations is the Vice-President (Administration), or designate. 

The Director of Emergency Operations will:

  • ensure appropriate membership of the Emergency Management Committee
  • provide appropriate funding levels for emergency management planning
  • provide the direction and control of emergency operations at the University of Regina
  • authorize the implementation of the Emergency Management Plan
  • authorize expenditures required to respond to any emergency
  • ensure all persons with responsibilities under the Emergency Management Plan receive appropriate training
  • ensure that all academic and business units of greater than 20 faculty and staff appoint an academic or business continuity coordinator

The Emergency Management Committee membership is:

  • Director of Emergency Operations / Vice-President (Administration) (Chair)
  • Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
  • Vice-President (Research)
  • Associate Vice-President (Human Resources)
  • Associate Vice-President (Facilities Management)
  • Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs)
  • Federated College representative
  • Associate Vice-President (Information Services)
  • Director, Health, Safety & Wellness (Human Resources)
  • Director, Communications and Marketing (Advancement and Communications)
  • Director, Security and Operations (Facilities Management)
  • Health, Safety & Emergency Management Advisor / Operations Officer (Human Resources)
  • Other unit or agency representatives as required

The Emergency Management Committee will:

  • provide recommendations for the Emergency Management Policy, Emergency Management Plan and related procedures
  • ensure communication and implementation of emergency planning and procedures to all members of the University community
  • recommend new emergency situations to be covered by the Emergency Management Plan or other changes to the mandate of this policy
  • participate in drills and/or exercises as required
  • ensure each unit and faculty has a current academic or business continuity plan

The Emergency Operations Centre Group (EOC) membership is:

  • Director of Emergency Operations / Vice-President (Administration)
  • Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
  • Vice-President (Research)
  • Director, Communications and Marketing (Advancement and Communications)
  • Associate Vice-President (Human Resources)
  • Associate Vice-President (Facilities Management)
  • Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs)
  • University Registrar
  • Associate Vice-President (Information Services)
  • Director, Health, Safety & Wellness (Human Resources)
  • Health, Safety & Emergency Management Advisor (Human Resources)
  • Duty Officer (log recorder) (Human Resources)

The Emergency Operations Centre Group will:

  • with declaration of a Level 2 emergency, report to one of the UEOC or meet virtually as required
  • coordinate the activities of their unit in accordance with their responsibilities as indicated in the Emergency Management Plan and their respective unit’s plan, or as determined by the Director of Emergency Operations
  • act in any given capacity for the duration of any emergency; the powers and responsibilities of the Emergency Operations Centre Group are for the duration of the emergency unless otherwise directed

The Emergency Response Team consists of members from:

  • Campus Security
  • Health, Safety & Wellness
  • Facilities Management
  • Advancement & Communications

The Emergency Response Team will:

  • assist in the management of emergencies by providing direction, communication and coordination
  • ensure an Incident Command Post is established as necessary
  • ensure a safe perimeter has been established as necessary
  • ensure notification of key individuals occurs as necessary
  • act as liaison with attending emergency responders as required
  • identify an appropriate Incident Commander
  • support the UEOC as required
  • ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to mitigate the effects of an emergency

The presence of the Emergency Response Team does not eliminate the support of others (management, staff, students and visitors) that may be required to provide assistance; however, only persons authorized by the Incident Commander are allowed at the scene of an emergency.

The Emergency Management Coordinator is the Director, Health, Safety and Wellness, or designate.

The Emergency Management Coordinator will:

  • coordinate the development and implementation of the Emergency Management Policy, Emergency Management Plan and related procedures, and ensure formal review of same at least once every three years
  • ensure that the plans and procedures take into consideration, and are compatible with, municipal emergency management plans and University Federated Colleges
  • coordinate the appointment of other persons under the University’s emergency policies, plans and procedures
  • assist faculties, departments and units in the development and implementation of their emergency response and business/academic continuity plans
  • arrange for specialized equipment and training, including fire drills and exercises
  • undertake specific duties in the UEOC in the event of a Level 2 emergency

The Director, Communications and Marketing (Advancement and Communications) will:

  • collect and collate information during an emergency
  • coordinate and issue information and instructions to the University community and news media
  • serve as the sole contact point (or designate a member to serve as such) for all media and public inquiries on behalf of the University
  • prepare key strategic communications, review with the Director of Emergency Operations and provide these to the official University spokesperson selected for the emergency

Vice-Presidents, Associate Vice-Presidents, Deans, Directors, Department and Unit Heads will:

  • designate Emergency Wardens as required in any emergency procedures and provide the names to the Health, Safety & Emergency Management Advisor
  • appoint one employee to coordinate the preparation of, update, and exercise the faculty/unit academic/business continuity plan
  • prepare for an emergency closure and continuation of emergency services in accordance with the University’s Emergency Management Plan and consideration to enact faculty or department continuity plans
  • provide relevant employees with time away from regular duties to support any required emergency response training initiatives
  • require that all personnel leave the building immediately when a fire alarm sounds or when directed by the University's Emergency Notification System or emergency responders
  • carry out any other duties described in the Emergency Management Plan and Procedure
  • report to the Emergency Operations Centre any information concerning the unit(s) which may be impacted by emergency planning decisions
  • provide assistance as required by the Emergency Management Committee

Academic Staff Members will:

  • provide students with fire safety information at the beginning of each semester, including the shortest emergency exit route from the classroom or area being used 
  • ensure that all students understand they must leave the building if the fire alarm sounds and follow any instructions provided by the Emergency Notification System or emergency personnel (Emergency Wardens, Campus Security, Health, Safety & Wellness, Regina Fire Department or Regina Police Services)
  • act as Emergency Wardens when an Emergency Warden is not present

Members of the University Community will:

  • read the information in the U of R Emergency Preparedness Guide
  • evacuate a building or area upon activation of a fire alarm system, other alarm systems or upon direction from emergency personnel (Emergency Wardens, Campus Security, Health, Safety & Wellness, Regina Fire Department or Regina Police Services)  
  • attend required training courses (e.g. emergency warden training, fire extinguisher training, as required)
  • know the location of the nearest emergency escape route/fire exit and fire alarm pull station 

Consequences for Noncompliance

All individuals occupying space controlled by the University are subject to the requirements of this policy. Violations of this policy or the refusal to evacuate any building or area, or the refusal to follow the directions of emergency personnel during an emergency or emergency exercise is unacceptable. Disciplinary action may be taken up to and including termination of the member’s employment with the University, or, in the case of a student, a penalty as determined under the Regulations Governing Discipline for Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct (up to and including expulsion from the University).


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