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  4. GOV-100-010 Smoke-Free Campus
University of Regina Policy

Smoke-Free Campus

Audience:All University employees, students, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and visitors
Issued:March 25, 1998
Revised:June 14, 2022
Owner(s):AVP (Human Resources)
Approved by:VP (Administration)
Contact:Director, Health, Safety & Wellness – 306-585-4776


The University of Regina is a community that respects the importance of and takes responsibility for the quality of the air we breathe. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy place in which to study, work, and live. The University of Regina recognizes the hazards posed by smoking, the use of tobacco products, and exposure to second-hand smoke.


Smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited:

  • in all University buildings owned or leased;
  • on owned or leased University property;
  • on outdoor University areas used for sports, meetings or other gatherings;
  • in University vehicles, or in vehicles parked on University leased or owned property.

Advertising or the sale of smoking and tobacco products on all University of Regina campuses is prohibited.


  • Tobacco is an integral part of cultural ceremonies and requests for guidance, knowledge or knowledge sharing, therefore it may be burned on campus in accordance with policy GOV-040-020 Smudging/Pipe Ceremonies. Smoking or tobacco products used for research purposes, other than Indigenous cultural practices, require a written exception request to this policy made to the Director, Health, Safety and Wellness. The Director, Health, Safety and Wellness will review and may approve these exceptions based on information provided.

Roles and Responsibilities

Administrators will:

  • ensure this policy is communicated
  • require compliance of the policy and procedures

Consequences for Noncompliance

All members of the University community (including, but not limited to, employees, students, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and visitors) are subject to the requirements of this policy. The main focus of enforcement will be on voluntary compliance through education, signage and awareness. Violations will be subject to appropriate corrective administrative or non-academic discipline, and could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of the member’s position with the University, or in the case of a student, consequences will be in accordance with the Regulations Governing Discipline for Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct. Visitors, suppliers, and contractors who do not comply will be removed from University owned or leased property.


Smoke-Free Campus Guidelines

  1. Signage: Facilities Management will arrange for appropriate signage announcing this policy at the entrances to buildings and at other locations as deemed necessary.
  2. Communications: The general policy statement will be posted on the University policy website. All prospective students and staff members shall be made aware of the Smoke-Free Campus Policy during the recruitment and orientation process. The University of Regina Students' Union will communicate the policy to students via orientation programs, social media, website postings, televised communication throughout the University, and other communication channels that may be available.
  3. Public Events: Organizers and attendees at public events using the University facilities, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, sporting activities and social events, will be made aware of and comply with the Smoke-Free Campus Policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating this policy to attendees and for enforcing the policy.
  4. Smoking Cessation Assistance: The Pension and Benefits Unit of Human Resources can assist University employees in determining coverage for smoking cessation aids. Students can contact the University of Regina Students' Union to determine their coverage for smoking cessation aids.

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