About Us

Financial Services has two components. The main Financial Services office is on the second floor of the Administration-Humanities Building and has a staff complement of approximately 32 full-time equivalent staff. The Supply Management Services office is also part of Financial Services, has 11 full time staff and is located in the College West Building beside the entrance to the Bookstore.

The functions performed by Financial Services include:

  • All the of University's basic day to day accounting functions - accounts payable, accounts receivable, student tuition payments, budget monitoring, approval of student loans, banking, faculty and staff expense claims, etc.
  • Preparation of financial statements and reports for public distribution for the University and pension plans. In addition to annual financial statements, reports are required for the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency), the IRS (US Internal Revenue Service), Statistics Canada, CAUBO (Canadian Association of University Business Officers), etc.
  • Analysis of financial information and preparation of reports for the Senior Executive, including the monthly financial reports for the Board of Governors.
  • All insurance functions.
  • Maintaining the University's fixed asset database and performing regular asset counts to ensure the University's assets are safeguarded.
  • Cash flow projections and the management of the University's working capital, including short term investments.
  • The administration of over 1,300 research and special purpose accounts.
  • The administration of over 600 trust and endowment accounts and the related investments valued at approximately $27 million.
  • Payment of all University scholarships.
  • Provision of reporting systems to faculty and staff for obtaining their required information out of the financial systems.

Organization Chart

Financial Services Organization Chart  (419 KB) PDF