
Certificate in Ideation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship


The Certificate in Ideation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship allows students to acquire business knowledge related to innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship; skills and abilities that can be applied to any discipline.

Small businesses – businesses with fewer than 50 employees – accounted for over 98.9% of the more than 150,000 business enterprises in the province in 2019 and are active in virtually every sector of the economy. In 2018, small businesses employed 31.0% of Saskatchewan’s workers.*

Who It's For

  1. Current University of Regina students
    • Hill business students
      • This micro-credential is a great way for students taking traditional majors to differentiate themselves.
    • Non-business students from other Faculties
      • There is a high incidence of entrepreneurship as a career choice for students in many other Faculties including Engineering, MAP, Kinesiology and Science. This certificate is a great way for students to offset their technical expertise with foundational business knowledge.
  2. University of Regina alumni
    • Build upon your past education and experience in order to succeed in your future entrepreneurial goals.

What It Looks Like
The ICE Certificate will expose students to divergent and convergent systematic approaches to create ideas, recognize opportunities, and capitalize on those opportunities. It will provide business principles and models in the context of entrepreneurship and develop an awareness of general business model functions.

Certificate in Ideation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (5 courses**)

Required BUS 201  Entrepreneurship: Creativity, Design and Innovation
Required BUS 302  Entrepreneurship: Small Business Modeling and Feasibility Analysis

Choose 1

BUS 303  Small Business Start-Up and Management
BUS 376  Selected Topics in Entrepreneurship
BUS 394  Entrepreneurial Finance
BUS 402  New Enterprise Creation
BUS 403  SME Consulting Experience

Choose 2

(Some of these courses are listed above also. However, they cannot be double counted)
BUS 100  Introduction to Business
BUS 210  Introduction to Marketing
BUS 285  Introduction to Financial Accounting
BUS 250  Introduction to HRM
BUS 301  Negotiation
BUS 303  Small Business Start-Up and Management
BUS 376  Selected Topics in Entrepreneurship
BUS 394  Entrepreneurial Finance
BUS 402  New Enterprise Creation
BUS 403  SME Consulting Experience
ADMN 225  First Nations Economic Development
ARTS 301  AIESEC Global Internship (includes entrepreneurship in description of course)
MAP 400AC  International Arts Management
MAP 208  The Business of Fashion
MAP 102  Exploring Cultural Regina
CTCH 213 Branding, Advertising & Design
CTCH 214 Visual Communication for the Web
NSLI 260 Non Profit Organization Governance and Leadership
NSLI 300  Nonprofit Organization Management 
PHIL 282  Philosophical Issues in Sustainable Development
PPE 200  Foundations of Philosophy, Politics and Economics


* stat from the 2019 Saskatchewan Small Business Profile by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Trade and Export Development

** Note: Prerequisites for all 200, 300 and 400 level courses must be met


Current U of R students, in either the BBA, DipBA, or other faculties, who are planning to pursue this certificate must contact their academic advisor to discuss requirements and will need to complete the application for undergraduate concurrent programs