
Summer Academic Writing Camp

Students can develop their academic reading and writing skills by attending the University of Regina Summer Academic Writing Camp on August 23 and 24!

Lessons and workshops include academic writing basics, grammar, punctuation, logic analysis, formatting and style, citations, plagiarism, assignment sheet and instruction comprehension, peer editing, and more.

Students in the in-person on campus section will be provided with lunch free of charge on both days of the camp. Students are responsible for parking fees if they wish to park their car on campus. Free street parking is also available in nearby areas. The total fee for the camp is $95.

The writing workshops will be taught by a highly experienced English instructor and Writing Across the Disciplines (WAD) Coordinator of Luther College, Scott J. Wilson.

Attend and develop valuable academic writing skills including:

  • academic writing mindset development
  • identifying and creating debatable arguments (thesis statements, analyzing logic)
  • entering scholarly discussions
  • assignment sheet comprehension
  • improving planning, drafting, and revising (including peer editing)
  • writing with clarity and precision
  • enhancing other elements of a writer’s practice

Students will need to register in one of the following courses in UR Self-Service:

Note: Registration is to be done through the Fall Semester schedule but the camp is scheduled for 23-24 August 2023

Hybrid delivery: Concurrent in-person section on campus and a Zoom-delivered remote section

The camp is sponsored by the Associate Vice President (Academic)