
Housing and Hospitality Services (HHS) Space Booking Guidelines and Conditions

Space Booking Guidelines

1. The land and buildings of the University of Regina are private property. The University reserves the right to control access to its campuses, and to the use of its premises and facilities.  All users of University premises are required to comply with all applicable University policies, legislation, regulations and municipal by-laws relating to private property, the rights of individuals and the University (and, in the case of uses of outdoor space,  The Wascana Centre Authority Act and the Bylaws of the Wascana Centre Authority (the “WCA”)).


2. Though the University strives to create an environment where individuals and groups can express views on a broad range of subjects, the provision of University premises for activities or events does not in any way imply that the University itself has expressed or condoned the views which may be expressed. Similarly, recognition of any campus group or student society does not imply that the University endorses or condones that group’s opinions or beliefs and the University assumes no liability for their activities.

3.University premises bookings by University Users or External Users must be prearranged and approved in advance to help ensure:


(a)        the general safety and well-being of the University community;
(b)        that University activities are not interrupted;
(c)        the protection of property and equipment; and
(d)        effective management of multiple booking requests in order to minimize scheduling conflicts.

4. Under no circumstances will University premises be available to an individual, organization or business where the purpose of the use of the University premises would be in direct competition with an existing academic or administrative program or business of the University.

5. Priorities for the temporary use of academic premises are as follows, in descending order of priority:


  • Teaching approved courses of study leading to degrees, diplomas or certificates of the University;
  • All other activities (including examinations) necessary to deliver and complete approved courses of study which lead to degrees, diplomas or certificates; 
  • Seminars, colloquia, conferences and other University-related activities approved by the appropriate academic department or division or administrative unit; 
  • Courses in continuing education in any department or unit of the University;
  • Activities of recognized University Users (including campus groups, student societies and employee groups); and
  • Activities of External Users consistent with this Policy.

6. Although the University may permit the temporary use of premises and facilities that are not required for its own activities, the University is under no obligation to do so and may permit or not permit such use at its sole and unfettered discretion.

7.Priorities for the temporary use of other premises shall be established by the administration in a manner consistent with the purposes for which the premises were designated.

8.In reference to these principles, the administration shall have the authority for the efficient allocation of premises and, in consultation with the relevant departments and entities (including but not limited to Campus Security, Facilities Management, Parking and Transportation Services, Occupational Health & Safety and Risk Management / Insurance), for the resolution of matters related to competing demands for space.  Requests by University Users or External Users to book premises on campus will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


University Premises Booking Conditions

The following general conditions are related to the booking and use of University premises by University Users or External Users through Housing and Hospitality Services:

  1. Prior approval for use of University premises must be obtained through HHS. 
  1. University premises may not be available for bookings on certain dates due to University-sanctioned events, during exam periods or during convocations 
  1. The approval of a request for the use of University premises may be subject to conditions and/or limitations, including but not limited to: 
  • Date, time and location of the event
  • Maximum number of attendees
  • Implementation of security measures
  • Liaison with Campus Security and/or External Relations
  • Impact on the campus community


  1. The University may limit the frequency and length of bookings available to each University User or External User.


  1. There is no representation on the part of the University that the University premises requested are suitable for the intended use, or as to its condition.


  1. The University User or External User must take all reasonable precautions to maintain the security of the University premises and to comply with all applicable requirements respecting safety including precautions respecting fire hazards.


  1. The University shall have the right at any time to terminate the event or activity and require the University premises to be immediately vacated if in the opinion of the University there is a danger to security, public safety or the University’s property or facilities. The possession of any firearms, fireworks or other weapons is strictly prohibited (Weapons Policy – OPS-050-010).


  1. Signage, advertising or promotional materials (including posters, flyers and placards) related to the event or activity shall be in accordance with applicable University policies including but not limited to the Respectful University Policy (GOV-100-015), the Bylaws of the WCA and any policy relating to postering or corridor use.


  1. Organizers of approved bookings must leave the premises booked in a clean manner with no damage to the area that the event took place in. Organizers of approved bookings are responsible for the removal of all recycling, garbage and equipment upon completion of the booking. Garbage cans must be in place to assist with maintaining a clean environment. With sufficient notice these may be supplied by the University or the WCA.  Charges may be levied if Facilities Management staff are required to repair or recondition the site.


  1. All premises bookings covered by this Policy must be held between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 pm, unless specific approval is obtained from the Director, Security and Operations. Buildings must be cleared at normal closing time (as per the University Building Lock-Up Policy (OPS-050-005)) unless other arrangements are approved in advance.


  1. Premises bookings are subject to sound restrictions that will be evaluated during the approval process. Devices for amplifying sound (e.g. bullhorns) are not permitted inside University buildings except in emergencies and may not be permitted outside where they interfere with the activities of the University community.


  1. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the University may cancel the booking without notice.


  1. The University User or External User is responsible for arranging all additional University services (e.g., electricity, water, parking, security, janitorial, etc.), and arranging all related logistics and payment of all applicable fees.


  1. The University User / External User must designate a primary contact for the booking who must provide contact information as part of the booking request and be in attendance for the duration of the event.


  1. University Users / External Users that have been permitted to use University premises shall only use the premises for the approved purposes and times.


  1. Booked University premises may only be used by the University User or External User approved to use the premises and cannot be transferred to another group, person or entity without advanced written approval from the applicable Administrator.


  1. Approval of an application to use University premises does not imply the University’s endorsement of the policies, views, beliefs, or activities of the University User or External User that has booked the premises.


  1. Any and all costs (including for audio-visual equipment, signage, food services, etc.) associated with the event shall be the sole responsibility of the University User or External User organizing the event.


  1. Users who book premises or advertise events as being open to the public cannot exclude any persons or groups from the activities unless the exclusion is required by health and safety regulations, University policy, or otherwise by law. Users who book premises for private gatherings in accordance with this Policy cannot advertise or promote that event in a manner which suggests that non-invitees may attend.


  1. University Users and External Users will not be permitted to charge admission to any event or collect monies from persons attending an event held in University premises for which no rental fee is being paid.

Bookings of University premises may be declined, cancelled, rescinded or modified including, but not limited to, where:


  1. the use or activities:


  1. are not in accordance with legislation, municipal bylaws, or the University’s policies, mission, vision and values;
  2. present a likelihood of danger to people, property, premises or University equipment;
  3. may result in abnormal deterioration or damage to University property or equipment;
  4. may be disruptive, involve large numbers of people, or involve excess noise;
  5. are not suited to the requested premises;
  6. may violate a contract with a University strategic alliance or sponsor; or
  7. will negatively impact the University’s reputation.


  1. the University User or External User:


  1. has misrepresented its intentions for the use of the premises;
  2. has previously misused University premises or equipment;
  3. has previously not complied with a University policy or an agreement with the University;
  4. has been sanctioned for a violation of a University or URSU policy;
  5. intends to provide a service or sell goods without proper license or qualification;
  6. does not sign applicable University waivers; or
  7. does not comply with any additional conditions or restrictions set out by the University.


  1. the University does not have the required resources or cannot appropriately accommodate the booking request; or
  2. unforeseen circumstances occur where the premises must be repaired or used for an alternate purpose.