Tenant Insurance Program

All residents staying within campus Housing at the University of Regina are required to have tenant insurance coverage for the duration of their Housing Contract.  The University of Regina, Housing Services, and Marsh Canada Ltd. have partnered to operate our mandatory tenant insurance program, ensuring that all residents and the university are protected.

Why do we Require Tenant Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage ensures that students and the University are protected from accidents or disasters. Either of these situations could result in significant damage to your belonging or make you liable to your neighbours and/or the University of Regina, should property get damaged.

What is Included in the Tenant Insurance Package?

Residents will receive the following coverage (fee will be applied directly to student’s Housing account along with Housing fees prior to each semester):

$10,000 Contents Coverage
Each student will be provided with coverage to protect the contents in their room and other personal belongings worn or used by the student on- and off-premises up to $10,000 – subject to a fire, theft, or water damage with any claims to be settled on a “replacement cost” basis, i.e. without deduction for depreciation.

$1,000,000 Personal Liability Coverage
If a student is found to be responsible for causing damage to the building or another person’s property (for example, if a student accidentally started a fire in their room) or bodily injured another person, the person will respond up to $1,000,000 to pay legal expenses and compensatory damages for which they are found to be legally liable.

 $2,500 Additional Living Expenses

If as a consequence of an insured loss the residence room is unfit for occupancy or a student has to move out of their residence while repairs are being made, the policy will pay the increased expenses (up to $2,500) incurred by the student to obtain temporary housing. If a student has to move to a hotel for a few days while the room is being repaired, these additional costs would be covered and if required, increased food costs for restaurant meals.

Cost of Tenant Insurance

The cost of Tenant Insurance is set by Marsh Canada, based on move-in date, and is as follows:

Date of Move in
August 15, 2024 - April 30, 2025 $80.00 + PST
January 1 - April 30, 2025 $42.50 + PST
May 1 - August 14, 2025 $42.50 + PST


Opt-Out Option

In the event that a parent’s insurance policy will extend coverage to their child while living in campus Housing, or a student already holds an alternate insurance policy offering the same coverage value, a student can Opt-Out of the mandatory Tenant Insurance Program coordinated by the University of Regina. The deadlines to Opt-Out are:

  • Move in for Winter term                                                   January 15
  • Move in for Spring/Summer term                                      May 15
  • Move in for Fall & Winter term                                          September 15

Opt-out Link 
By clicking the link above you agree to be redirected to a Marsh Canada managed website to proceed with the Opt Out request process.

By opting out of the tenant insurance program you are assuming full responsibility for content and liability insurance in the case of an accident while living in Housing at University of Regina.


*rates subjct to change by Provider