Moving Out
Move out dates are either the end date of your signed Housing Contract, or, 24 hours after your last exam - whichever date comes first.
Exam schedules are verified on the University of Regina course management system, UR Courses. If you have been given a project to complete in place of an exam, or you do not have a final exam for your class, please obtain proof of your end date from your Faculty and provide a copy to the Housing office at least 1 week prior to the expected move out date. if you are attending SaskPoly and your program end date is different than your contract end date, you will need to apply for a late move out. The Late Move Out form can be found under Requests and Forms.
If you require a later move out date due to exam or flight scheduling, you must get approval from Housing Services at least one week prior to your expected date of departure. To request a Late Move Out, please comple our Late Move Out form. The Late Move Out form can be found under Requests and Forms on the Housing Portal.
Please note: Late Move Outs can be requested for up to 7 days, requests for more than 7 days will not be considered. Residents are subject to an additional charge of $35 for each day beyond the designated move-out date in the Housing Contract. Late move out charges are applied to housing accounts upon the late move out request being approved by Housing Services.
Cleaning Checklist
Please see our move-out cleaning checklist for a detailed list of cleaning duties that should be performed when you move out.