
Tim Maciag

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Assistant Professor

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Area of Focus: Creative Technologies, Human-centered Design

About Tim

Dr. Tim Maciag is an Assistant Professor in Software Systems Engineering (SSE) at the University of Regina. He teaches undergraduate & graduate level SSE and Creative Technologies (CTCH) courses in the areas of (software) project management (Agile, Design Thinking, Lean), project-based software design and development, and usability engineering, with a specific focus on people and community/humanity-centred technology design. He is the coordinator of the Humanity-Centred Software (HCS) lab which emphasizes research and exploration of technological designs and developments that seek to address areas within the United Nation's (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (UN SDGs). 

His research is currently focused on UN SDG#3: Good Health and Well-Being (exploring the design and development of multi-modal technologies in support of various healthcare experiences) and UN SDG#4: Quality Education (exploring the design and facilitation of course-integrated interactive serious play learning activities within the university classroom and exploring the design and facilitation of course-integrated experiential learning opportunities that seek to connect students with opportunities to collaborate and support (local) community and non-profit technology-based initiatives within the university classroom).