
This page will point to reports, presentations, and working documents for the Data Governance initiative at the University of Regina. The other key source of documentation for this project is the U Regina Data CookBook, which contains data definitions, report descriptions, and specification for report and data cube development.

These pages will be maintained by the Data Governance Officer (Keith Fortowsky). They will be updated and re-arranged (including subpages) as the project proceeds and as we review the historical documentation (e.g. Deloitte).

This initial page, and associated subpages, will always be available at the permanent URL:


Brian Christie's presentation at the HEIR Network Conference, Liverpool, Sept 2016:
The Successful Launch of a Data Governance Regime (1.1 MB) pdf

Reports from the Deloitte Data Governance Study

Deloitte's Final Report - June 2016 (2.5 MB) PDF

last updated: Jan.04/17