Strategic Initiatives

Advisor by Conclusive

Advisor by Conclusive is the University’s new degree audit and program planning software. The software will provide Faculty Advisors and Students the ability to track progress in a program, look at the impact of moving from one program to another, and to make faculty level approved exceptions.

The software is currently being piloted by Faculty Advisors and will be implemented as a soft launch to students starting in February 2019. Catalogue terms 201510, 201520, 201530, 201610, 201620, and 201630 will be available to students first, and the remaining terms up to 201930 will be available to students by September 2019.

Content 7 (URDocs)

URDocs is the system used to digitize paper documents, store documents centrally and reduce the need for paper copies and folders. Documents can be viewed online making them more accessible. URDocs has been updated to Perceptive Content 7 from the NolijWeb software application. The admission workflows and the majority of the Registrar Office's workflows have been implemented. Projects are in place to implement the rest of Registrar Office's processes as well as other processes throughout the university.

Registrar’s Office Strategic Roadmap

More information on the strategic initiatives of the Registrar’s Office and other Academic, Administrative and Research areas can be viewed here.