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Welcome to the Office of Sustainability

Opportunities to create a more sustainable world exist all around us, and the University of Regina is well-positioned to make a positive impact on our campus and beyond. The Sustainability Office works with students, staff, faculty, and communities to support local and global sustainability efforts and to create new opportunities for socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable solutions.

The Sustainability Office leads and coordinates environment and climate action initiatives, and promotes and delivers projects that are aligned with the University’s strategic goals and principles. The University has a societal responsibility to address climate change and incorporate sustainability values and principles in our core operations, teaching, research, and creative endeavours. We are informed by Truth and Reconciliation, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Read on to learn more about just some of the ways that we are leading by example.

We are also good listeners. We are open to learn more about the challenges and opportunities for sustainability that exist within our communities. Through respectful engagement and collaboration, the University of Regina is building connections, finding solutions, applying research outcomes, and promoting change. Please contact us to become a partner in the pursuit of sustainability.

Jocelyn Crivea
Director, Sustainability Office

Contact Us!

Use the form below to contact the Office of Sustainability, share your project or request more information!