Mathematics and Statistics (MSc, PhD)
Mathematics and Statistics are the bedrock of problem-solving and effective information processing. These disciplines foster critical thinking skills, equipping individuals with the tools needed to navigate the complexities of our modern world. Mathematics, often hailed as the universal language, transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries. It offers a unique lens through which we can explore and comprehend the intricacies of our universe, from the behavior of subatomic particles to the vastness of cosmic phenomena.
In this program, students are held to a high standard, with a minimum requirement of a 75 percent average in their Bachelor of Science within the same subject area. This rigorous criterion ensures that participants possess a solid foundation before embarking on their graduate journey.
Professionals from a diverse array of fields may find value in pursuing this program. It not only broadens their career horizons but also enhances their expertise, enabling them to tackle real-world challenges with a sophisticated mathematical and statistical toolkit. Similarly, educators can leverage graduate-level studies to enrich their educational practices and open doors to advanced career opportunities.
For those harboring aspirations of pursuing a Ph.D. program, a thesis-based master's degree represents a pivotal stepping stone. This educational pathway involves delving into original research within their specific field of study. The research conducted during the master's program becomes an integral part of their Ph.D. studies, shaping their expertise and contributing to the broader body of knowledge in their chosen discipline. It's a journey of intellectual growth and exploration, preparing individuals for careers in academia, research, and innovation.
What Do Mathematicians and Statisticians Do?
Mathematicians and statisticians are engaged in various fields, including research, policy development, finance, business, and higher education, on a global scale.
Areas of Study
Actuarial Mathematics
Acquire a comprehensive understanding of key areas such as Risk Assessment and Management, Pricing and Reserving, Financial Product Development, and Data Analysis.
Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, and Number Theory
Study mathematical symbols, expressions, and equations, as well as explore the properties and relationships of integers and other types of numbers.
Study functions and spaces of functions, as well as linear transformations between them.
Geometry and Topology
Focuses on the study of shapes, sizes, properties of figures, and the relationships between them, as well as on the study of the fundamental structure of spaces and their intrinsic properties.
Statistics and Probability Studies
Learn how to use analytical techniques to examine and understand random phenomena and outcomes in various fields, including the social and natural sciences
Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Why Study Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Regina?
Pursuing a course-based master's degree in mathematics or statistics can provide a boost to one's career prospects. Most of our NSERC-funded and research-active faculty members regularly supervise graduate students and teach courses in these programs.
Meaningful Careers
U of R mathematics and statistics graduates can pursue careers as professors, hold positions in prominent government and private sector organizations, or conduct research in industries such as finance, actuarial science, or computing.
Co-operative Education Work Terms
Participate in a mathematics or statistics focused graduate co-operative education experience. Upon completion of your hands-on work experience assignments, your transcript will include a Co-operative Education Designation.
Clubs, Events, Research Groups and Networking
MASS (Math Actuarial and Statistics Student Society)
This is a very active and friendly student society. Their most popular event is the annual “Pi Day” celebration that they host every March 14th.
Department Colloquium
Colloquia lectures are directed to mathematical scientists from all backgrounds with the purpose of providing an overview of a particular field of mathematical science, together with some of its recent advances. The Colloquium is usually held on Fridays at 3:30 p.m.
PIMS Distinguished Lecture Series
The PIMS lectures are sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences and are colloquium-style lectures presented by prominent Canadian and international mathematical scientists.
H.N. Gupta Memorial Lecture
This is an annual lecture series in memory of Professor Haraguari Naryan Gupta.
Prairie Mathematics Colloquium
This is a joint seminar series between the University of Regina, University of Saskatchewan and the University of Manitoba.
The Discrete Math Research Group
This group has been active for many years. Its focus is on collaborative research and they have published several papers and often work with researchers from other institutions.
Operator Algebra Seminar
This seminar series is devoted to special topics in operator algebra and functional analysis. The lectures usually run over a course of several weeks and are technical in nature.
Topology and Geometry Seminar
This seminar series is devoted to selected topics in topology and geometry. The lectures are given weekly.
The department hosts a variety of outreach activities that students can volunteer with, including:
- The Math Circle
- Mathematics Enrichment Camp
- Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest
Award-winning Students
Each year the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research gives two major awards:
- The President’s Medal
- The Governor General’s Gold Medal
In the last six years, three of these awards have gone to graduates from Mathematics and Statistics.
Recent major awards won by our graduate students:
- 2022 President's medal: Sarobidy Razafimahatratra (PhD Mathematics 2022).
- 2021 Alumni Crowning Achievement Award for Outstanding Young Alumni: Sarah Plosker (M.Sc. 2010). Dr. Plosker is a Canadian Research Chair and Professor at Brandon University.
- 2018 Governor General's Academic Gold Medal: Thuntida Ngamkham (PhD Stat, 2018).
- 2017 Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal: Marzieh Bayeh (PhD Math, 2017).
- 2015 Top paper in the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin: Ruhi Ahmadi (and B. Gilligan).
Culture of Collaboration
Our department fosters a culture of collaboration, with extensive interaction among researchers. Students benefit from multiple opportunities to engage with professors and participate in research groups. As a result, our students frequently co-author papers with faculty and have their work published.
Mathematics and Statistics Frequently Asked Questions
You must hold a four-year undergraduate degree in science in Mathematics or Statistics. Some courses have undergraduate prerequisites. Students who have not completed these prerequisites can still be admitted to the program with the understanding that they will be expected to complete these prerequisites prior to taking the corresponding Mathematics and Statistics courses.
Math 813 Functional Analysis
Banach spaces, Banach algebras, and operator theory.
Math 820 Introduction to Commutative Algebra
A first graduate course in commutative algebra. Topics include prime and maximal ideals, radicals, Nakayama's Lemma, exact sequences, tensor products, localization, Noetherian and Artinian rings and selected additional topics.
Math 831 Differential Geometry
Differentiable manifolds, the tangent bundle, differential forms, and the general Stokes’ theorem.
Math 841 Topology
Separability of spaces, paracompactness, metrization theorems, function spaces.
Stat 851 Probability
Probability measures; distribution functions; sequences of random variables; characteristic functions; modes of convergence; convergence theorems; weak and strong laws of large numbers; Central Limit Theorem.
Stat 852 Statistical Inference
Detailed theoretical development of statistical inference; statistical models; exponential families; sufficiency; completeness; properties of point estimation; testing hypothesis and confidence regions; asymptotic properties of estimators.
Students also have many opportunities to take reading classes. A reading class is a course where a student works one-on-one with a professor to learn either a very specialized topic or some new research results.
Our students are all able to take the on-line courses offered by PIMS (Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences) to the universities in their network.
We have a variety of classes in the different areas of expertise of our faculty members. Here are some representative classes:
- Math 816 Introduction to Quantum Information Theory
- Math 818 Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory
- Math 826 Combinatorial Matrix Theory
- Math 838 Associative Algebras, Groups, and Representation Theory
- Stat 819 Advanced Applications of Fourier Analysis in Life Sciences
- Stat 856 Stochastic Processes
- Stat 858 Statistical Modeling of Dependence and Extremes
Yes! Once you have been accepted as a fully-qualified graduate student with no conditions or holds on your admission, then you are eligible to apply for our scholarships, awards, or graduate teaching assistant positions.
NSERC scholarships are available to students enrolled in our program. Additionally, we frequently provide teaching assistantships to eligible students, and some senior students even have the opportunity to teach classes.
Faculty of Science Graduate Funding
- Paul W. Riegert Memorial Scholarship in Graduate Studies
- Gerhard Herzberg Fellowship
- Saskatchewan Innovation and Excellence Graduate Scholarship
Apply for these scholarships, and more, by visiting our Graduate Awards Portal (GAP), the U of R online graduate scholarship application system.
All Graduate Funding Opportunities
Visit our Graduate Awards Portal (GAP) to learn about all graduate funding opportunities including:
- National Scholarships (including Tri Council funding)
- Awards to Study Abroad
- FGSR Funding/Special Awards
- Funding for Indigenous Students
- Funding for International Students
- Other Awards and Scholarships
- External Scholarship Opportunities
- External Student and Faculty Awards
Program Concepts and Goals
University of Regina Mathematics and Statistics graduate programs prepare you for a wide range of prominent employment opportunities. Explore the relationship between math and stats in the theoretical and natural worlds.
Graduates of the programs are trained in advanced mathematical and statistical concepts to analyze complex problems and provide innovative solutions.
Students benefit from opportunities to engage with professors and participate in research groups.
You’ll be prepared for prominent mathematical and statistical jobs in a variety of industries and organizations.
What Can You Do With a Mathematics and Statistics Degree?
The skills and knowledge gained through advanced study in Mathematics and Statistics can also prepare graduates for positions in other fields, such as engineering, physics, or computer science. Overall, graduates of the Master’s or PhD programs in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Regina have a wide range of career options available to them, both within and outside of academia, including:
- Research
- Higher education
- Statistical analysis
- Data sciences
- Actuarial science
- Risk management