Quick Guide to Class Registration
This quick guide to class registration outlines the basic registration steps and includes links to important registration resources. We recommend that all students book an academic advising appointment with their faculty or federated college, or with the Student Success Centre, in order to discover program schedules, pre-requisite course requirements, and course sequencing structures. If you have questions or concerns regarding course registration, please contact an academic advisor directly!
We recommended that you watch this series of YouTube videos provided by the Student Success Centre that will explain how to register for classes.
Time to Register?
Check your time-ticket* in UR Self-Service for your exact date! Here's how to do this:
- Login to UR Self-Service
- Under the Student menu select Prepare for Registration
- Select the term when you are starting classes and click on Continue
- You will now see the date you can register for courses!
The academic schedules for all 3 terms (spring/summer, fall, and winter) are available in mid-February every year. Time-tickets will be made viewable on UR Self-Service in early February every year for all 3 terms.
*Your time-ticket tells you the first day/time you can register for courses. Each student receives one time-ticket that applies to all terms open for registration. You are able to register in each term from that date to the add/drop date of the selected term. If you log into UR Self-Service and do not see your time-ticket, it is probably too early and it will be posted closer to the registration opening for that year.
Note: Student enrolled through First Nations University of Canada are required to meet with an academic advisor before they will be able to register for classes. Contact the FNUniv Advisors here.
Information for New Students
New students must accept their offer of admission prior to registering for courses.
Step 1: Review Your Program Outline
Each program at the U of R has a program outline, which contains all the courses that need to be completed before meeting the qualifications to convocate with the specific degree/diploma/certificate program you are choosing to pursue.
Program outlines can be found on the individual academic program pages and in the Undergraduate Calendar (sorted by Faculty). We recommend that you print or screenshot your program outline as a reference during the course registration process!
Another resource is a faculty or department handbook. These handbooks often include program outlines, course sequencing suggestions, and course pre-requisite requirements. You can often find these handbooks on the faculty webpages or by contacting your academic advisor.
Step 2: Build Your Schedule
Visual Schedule Builder (VSB) is the software system that you use to find classes offered and plan your schedule! Note: VSB does not register you in classes.
Use VSB to search for the classes you need to take (as per your program outline) - make sure you are searching within the correct academic terms! You can select, deselect, search again, or start over as many times as you like until you have a potential schedule that works for you.
Make sure to write down the Course Registration Numbers (CRNs) for the classes that you want to register in. CRNs are a 5-digit number sequence. They are listed beside the shopping cart in VSB. You will use these numbers to formally register yourself in your chosen courses in UR Self-Service.
Step 3: Register For Classes
Now that you’ve found classes you’d like to register in, you need to formally register for them using UR Self-Service. In this system, you will use the CRNs (5 digit numbers) that you found in Visual Schedule Builder to register in the classes. Here are the steps you will take:
- Log into UR Self-Service
- Click on Student Menu,
- click on Add or Drop Classes
- Select a Term
- Click on Enter CRNs
- Enter your CRN in the CRN field. Click Add Another CRN to add more than one.
- Click on Add to Summary.
- In the Summary panel, click on Submit.
You will need to repeat these steps for each term you are registering for classes in.
For variable credit hour courses like thesis research, the credit hours will default to the minimum value. To adjust them, click on the course's credit hours and enter the correct value. Then, click "Submit" in the bottom-right corner of the screen. If you're unsure whether your credit hours need adjustment, reach out to your program advisor for guidance.
Resources Related to Class Registration:
- View the Academic Schedule for the start and end date, dates to add/drop classes, and holidays of each term.
- Access the Fee Schedule to discover term tuition rates and payment deadlines.
- Use the Advisor - Degree Audit tool to see updated details on where you are at in your program.
Need More Help?
Contact the academic advisors in your faculty or federated college, or through the Student Success Centre! Academic advisors are the experts on class registration and program planning. We recommend that you talk to your advisor at least once per year to ensure you are on track for all components of your program.