Public Lectures
Upcoming Lecture
The University of Regina’s Justice Studies Department is pleased to invite the public to the 2025 Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Policing Studies Lecture, featuring renowned scholar Dr. Robert Brown from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
The lecture is open to the public, and we encourage all those interested in issues of justice, race, and policing to attend.
Please reserve a free ticket to confirm your attendance.
Upcoming Lecture
The Faculty of Arts invites the public to attend the 2025 Woodrow Lloyd Lecture, with guest lecturer Dr. Jennie Stephens, Professor of Climate Justice at the National University of Ireland Maynooth.
Dr. Stephens will be speaking on the topic of her new book, Climate Justice and the University: Shaping a Hopeful Future for All.
Please reserve a free ticket to confirm your attendance.
Past Lectures
Year |
Title and Video Link |
Speaker |
2023 |
Dr. Lillian Thorpe, MD, PhD, FRCP |
2022 |
Dr. Sherene H. Razack Distinguished Professor and the Penny Kanner Endowed Chair in Women’s Studies Department of Gender Studies, UCLA |
2019 | Disability, Art and Activism |
Dr. Nancy Hansen Professor of Disability Studies, University of Manitoba |
2018 | Are Prisons Canada's New Residential Schools? |
Nancy Macdonald National Reporter, The Globe and Mail |
2017 |
The Gender of Homesteading: Women and the Contest for Land on the Canadian Prairies |
Dr. Sarah Carter Professor and Henry Marshall Tory Chair in the Department of History and Classics and the Faculty of Native Studies, University of Alberta |
2016 | Ronald Bloore & The Art of Provocation |
Timothy Long Head Curator, Mackenzie Art Gallery |
2015 |
The Fierce Urgency of Now: Global Education as a Gateway to Creating Critically Informed, Motivated and Globally Competent Citizens |
Dr. Michael O'Sullivan Grandson of Rev. Stapleford and Associate Professor at Brock University |
2014 | Senate Reform: is it necessary and can it be done? |
Dr. Gordon Barnhart Historian and former Lt. Gov. of Saskatchewan |
2013 |
Librarians Unplugged: How and why librarians are speaking out about crucial social issues |
Toni Samek School of Library and Information studies, University of Alberta |
2012 | One Law for All: Understanding Canada's indigenous constitution |
Dr. John Borrows Professor and Robina Chair in Law and Society, University of Minnesota Law School |
2011 | Islam, Gender and the Future of Multicultural Citizenship |
Mohammad Fadel Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto |
2010 | Quality Care for Patients, Above All |
Anne Doig President of the Canadian Medical Association |
2009 | Implementing Self Determination: A leader's vision |
Perry Bellegarde Former Grand Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations |
2008 | Citizenship, Governance and Duty |
Lynda Haverstock Former Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan |
Year |
Title and Video Link |
Speaker |
2022 |
Dr. Allan Downey Nak'azdli Whut’en First Nation Associate Professor, Department of History and Indigenous Studies Program McMaster University |
2019 | Pipelines and the Petro State |
Andrew Nikiforuk Author and journalist |
2018 |
Pam Palmater Mi'kmaw lawyer, author, social justice advocate, and Chair in Indigenous Governance at Ryerson University |
2017 | Islamophobia and Muslim Women in Canada |
Dr. Sheema Khan Author and Global and Mail Columnist |
2016 | 2016 Woodrow Lloyd Lecture |
The Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada |
2015 | Reconciliation: the children's version |
Dr. Cindy Blackstock Associate Professor at the University of Alberta, as well as Director of the First Nations Children’s Action Research and Education Service (FNCARES) and as Executive Director of First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada |
2014 | The Hedgehog, the Fox and Canadian Austerity |
Dr. Thom Workman Professor, Political Science at the University of New Brunswick |
2013 | Can Civil Disobedience Ensure Health Care Access for Drug Users? |
Ann Livingston Social Justice Organizer |
2012 | Taking and Making Human Life: has healthcare replaced religion? |
Dr. Margaret Somerville Samuel Gale Professor of Law, Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University |
2011 | Western Canadian Democracy: A backward and a forward look |
The Honorable Preston Manning Founder of the Reform Party of Canada |
2010 | Transforming Power: New paths to social and political change |
Judy Rebick CAW Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University |
2009 | Subprime Constitutionalism: Why are we over-invested in the charter? |
Professor Harry Arthurs Osgood Hall Law School, President Emeritus, York University |
Year |
Title and Video Link |
Presenter |
2022 | Reimagining Public Safety Restoratively: Implications for Policing |
Professor Jennifer Llewellyn Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University |
2019 | Changing the Story We Tell Ourselves About Alcohol |
Harold R. Johnson Author and former Crown Prosecutor |
2018 | Why Do Hackers Hack? |
Dr. Thomas J. Holt Professor of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University |
2016 |
Domestic Violence: The Challenge of Taking Account of the Interests of Children |
Professor Nicholas Bala Faculty of Law, Queen's University |
2015 | Smart Policing and the Challenge of Translational Criminology |
Dr. Scott H. Decker, Foundation Professor, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University |
2014 |
Beyond the Criminal Law: What Local and Provincial Authorities |
Dr. Mariana Valverde FRSC, Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies at the University of Toronto |
2013 |
Proceed Until Apprehended |
Karyn McClusky Director of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit |
2012 |
Murder and Maggots: The use of insect evidence in criminal investigations |
Dr. Gail Anderson School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University |
2011 |
The Future of Policing in Saskatchewan |
Dr. Rick Rudell University of Regina |
2010 |
Some Reflections on the Discourse of Crime and Punishment in Canada |
Howard Sapers Correctional Investigator of Canada |
2009 |
Does the Charter Matter? |
Harry Arthurs University Professor Emeritus and President Emeritus, York University |
Learn More
Rev. Ernest Stapleford (1874-1959) was the president of Regina College from 1915-1934. He guided the college through the crisis of World War I and the economic depression of the 1930s. He was one of the formative presidents of this institution. His wife, Mrs. Maude Stapleford (1884-1962) was very active and engaged in the community, and took a particular interest in the arts, and in the advancement of women's and children's rights. Daughter Dr Elsie Stapleford helped create and implement the Ontario Day Nurseries Actof 1946, which provided provincial government funding for day care centres, and implemented licensing and inspection measures. As Director of the Day Nurseries Branch, Dr. Stapleford made the Ontario program a model, and helped to transform the way child care is thought of and delivered in this country. Elsie Stapleford passed away in 2004.
The Faculty of Arts is pleased to present an annual lecture in honour of Woodrow Stanley Lloyd (1913-1972), a dedicated public servant of Saskatchewan. Woodrow Lloyd served as the province's eighth Premier (1961-1964) and also as Minister of Education (1944-1960). It was in this capacity that he played a formative role in the development of the modern day education system. In 1963, he laid the cornerstone of the first building on the Regina campus of the University of Saskatchewan, now the University of Regina. Throughout his career, Woodrow Lloyd's voice emerged as one strongly in favour of the university as a space for innovation and catalyst for social change.
Said Woodrow Lloyd at the Canadian Education Association Convention of 1951, "Education needs courage. The very fact that education, if it is vital, leads to purposeful change, indicates the need for courage on the part of those who lead, because even purposeful change is always opposed. It is opposed by those who do not understand."
The Woodrow Lloyd lecture is presented each Winter by the Faculty of Arts and funded by the generosity of the Woodrow Lloyd Trust Fund. Each lecture features a nationally or internationally recognized scholar, writer, thinker, and/or activist, who speaks on issues of direct relevance to Saskatchewan.
Past speakers have included former Premier of Saskatchewan Roy Romanow, noted climatologist Elane Wheaton, and author and Indigenous leader Cindy Blackstock.
The Law Foundation Chair allows the University to function as a centre of excellence in police studies, enabling the Chair to support issues of direct relevance to policing in Saskatchewan, to bring world-renowned experts in the field of criminal justice to Saskatchewan to share their expertise, and to participate in national discussions about current policing practices.
In support of these goals, each Fall a speaker is invited to the University of Regina in order to deliver a public lecture. In February 2011 the Law Foundation lecture was renamed ‘The Gordon Wicijowski Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Chair in Police Studies Lecture’, in recognition of the key role played by Dr. Gordon Wicijowki in the establishment of the Chair in Police Studies. This title change acknowledges Dr. Wicijowski’s years of service with the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan as well as the contributions he has made to the University of Regina, including serving on the Board of Governors – contributions for which Dr. Wicijowski has been presented an honorary doctorate. Today the lecture is known as the Dr. Gordon Wicijowski Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Lecture.
Contact Us
Dean of Arts Office
University of Regina
Classroom Building, CL 426
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2
Phone: 306-585-5653
E-mail: arts.deans.office@uregina.ca