Student Spotlight- February 2011


Who are you and where are you from?

My name is Burton R. O’Soup and I from the Key First Nation, which is in the Yorkton Tribal Council district.

What did you study?

My area of study was Indian Social Work at the First Nations University of Canada.

What are you doing now?

I am part of a team of Career Coaches/Consultants at Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technology (SIIT) in Saskatoon. As the Career Coach/Consultant, I provide learner support based on learner assessment and educational counseling. Other responsibilities include administering standardized tests, assessing academic ability, literacy, essential skills, learning disabilities, current skills and knowledge. In essence, I am assisting learners to be successful as they pursue their academic goals.

What made you successful academically?

I wanted to learn, I was excited about coming to class everyday, I really enjoyed the pursuit of challenging myself, and so that became part of my drive, so I pushed myself to be the best that I could be. A couple of other factors that helped me become successful academically, and these were constant unwavering factors, I wanted this for myself and for my family. Once I knew that I was capable of academic success there was no looking back and everything fell into place – confidence, self-esteem, and this transformation evolved into a mindset and I became determined to be successful and committed myself to excellence and persevered to that one goal-to get my degree!

What is your best memory at the university?

There are so many good memories; even the stressful moments were good because there is a lesson to be learned from them. However, the best memory I have of university is without a doubt, walking across the stage at convocation to receive my degree, surrounded by family and friends. That feeling of gratification as I received my degree after four years of hard work put everything into perspective. I remember looking towards the balcony where my mother and sister and my kids were sitting and holding my degree towards the sky thinking, “we did it”.

What would be your message to those following in your footsteps?

My message to anyone following in my footsteps is, believe in yourself, trust your instincts, and trust in your skills and abilities because you can do it. Once we release the restrictions and doubts we have ingrained our minds, we are capable of doing anything we set our minds too. Dare to dream and then go after your dreams with all the passion and tenacity that makes who you are –you. I just think we only get one go-around in this lifetime, so we need to make the best of our opportunities and sometimes that means we have to jump and see where we land. When I decided to go to university, I relied on every life experience, good and bad, up to that point to get me through, and asking for help from people around me to get me through university. “If you have it in you to dream, then you have it in you to succeed” Alwyn Morris – 1984.

Check out the previous Student Spotlight in the ARCHIVE