About Us


New Co-op Application Deadlines announced!

New Co-op application deadlines - see Student Calendar for more details

A Proud History of Quality Program Delivery

  • The U of R is a pioneer for Co-operative Education in Canada -- the first in Western Canada (est. 1969) and a model for newer programs.
  • We are accredited by the Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (CAFCE). Several past and present CAFCE Officers, including the National President, have been selected from the U of R.
  • We take Co-operative Education seriously. It has been a cornerstone
    of our institution since its inception.
  • Employers continually praise our Co-op Programs and return to us for our customer service, professionalism and flexibility.
  • Our students have a solid work ethic and are enthusiastic to relocate across Canada and elsewhere for challenging work experiences.
  • Our students refine their skills through progressively complex work terms with leading Canadian corporations.
  • Maclean's Magazine ranked the University of Regina first in the Comprehensive University category for class sizes in all four years. In other words, we have the best student-to-teacher ratios. Smaller classes mean better learning opportunities for all students
  • We are continually expanding and improving our program offerings. In addition to our traditional Co-op Programs we now offer a wide variety of Internship opportunities and Indigenous programs.