Actuarial Science Internship

What is the Actuarial Science Internship Program?

Senior students in the Actuarial Science undergraduate degree program are eligible to participate in an optional internship in the AcSc program. AcSc Internship students participate in an assisted job search process (similar to the Co-op placement process) to secure a paid internship placement with a participating employer. The internship is 12 to 16 months in duration,  with placements starting in either May (for 12- or 16-month placement) or in September (for the 12-month placement) each year. Job descriptions from employers are posted the semester prior to the beginning of a work term (January-August of each year).

Why should you hire an Actuarial Science Intern?

  • Recruit and try out employees you might like to hire permanently in the future.
  • Meet your temporary staffing needs, special projects, or contracts in a cost-effective way.
  • Draw from a pool of energetic, motivated, job-ready students ready to apply the latest in technology and ideas.
  • You have access to these students for 12 months starting in May or September or for 16 starting in May of a given year.

Eligible students will:

  • plan to complete the first exam of the Society of Actuaries before or during the internship placement
  • have completed Mathematics of Finance I & II, Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics and Actuarial Models I & II at the time of placement
  • have an overall average of at least 75%
  • prepare a report near the end of their internship which is expected to be useful to the employer

For more information regarding the Actuarial Science Internship program, please contact:

Sheila Kerester
Coordinator - Actuarial Internships
Phone: 306-585-5220