For Students & Alumni

We are here to help students from every Faculty connect with employers and find the ideal job for you including part-time, summer, internship, volunteer work and full-time positions.  Browse through our job postings, meet employers to learn about their company and tour through our career fairs to network and discover new options for your future. 


Career Development Sessions
Interactive workshops are offered several times per month to assist you with career-related concerns, including choosing a  career direction, job searching, customizing resumes, preparing for interviews and developing a specialized portfolio.

U of R Job Board
Sign up and search through job postings from a wide variety of companies seeking to hire students from every background for local, national and international employment!

Recommended Job Search Databases
Find on our website links to a long list of alternative job searching websites that include work in specialized fields, internships, public and private sector groups and other agencies that may be of interest to you.

Career Fairs
For all students from all faculties, in your first year or recently graduated! Attend Career Fairs to learn more more about careers and decided what you are best suited for, find a side job while you study and get the full-time position of your dreams! Come and network with prospective employers, learn what it means to work for their company and discover the opportunities that await you.

Meet the Employers
The Career Centre hosts special events with different employers one-on-one in an informal, no-pressure setting.  A wide variety of employers visit campus to tell you about their company, what they're looking for and the future opportunities with their organization. Stop by the Career Centre, visit the Special Events page on our website and join the Job Board to receive emails about the wide variety of upcoming events.

Other Resources
The Career Centre offers a broad range of services and resources to U of R Students (current and former), Alumni and Employees including career exploration, job searching and employability skills (e.g., mock interviews).