Ambassador Leader Application Form

Name (First Name, Last Name)
UR Student ID Number
Telephone Number
How many classes are you planning to take in the Winter 2023 semester?
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
What is your current UGPA? (can be found in UR Self-Service)
How many credit hours have you completed successfully?
In addition to your classes, what other commitments will you have (that you are aware of) during the winter 2023 term and where does the Leader program fit on your list of priorities?

Briefly describe your experience within the Ambassador program so far. Example: What sort of events have you volunteered for and which training's have you attended?

Provide a brief summary of why you are interested in becoming an Ambassador Leader.
What skills do you have that would make you a great Ambassador Leader?
What skills would you like to develop if chosen for the role of an Ambassador Leader?

 To complete your application process, please submit your resume and cover letter, as well as your Winter 2023 term availability to  (prior to the Application Date deadline for this position). 

* When submitting this application electronically, I understand that my typed name serves as my signature.

I certify that all statements in this application are true and accurate; I understand that making false statements is reason for being denied employment or for having my employment terminated.

The University of Regina collects information under the authority of The University of Regina Act and in accordance with the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act for purposes of the administration of the University and its programs and services. By responding to this form, you are consenting to the University of Regina using your personal information (to/for ...describe specific purpose of information gathering on this form).