Convocation Information for Graduates
Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone in your academic journey! Convocation is a momentous occasion that marks both the culmination of years of hard work and the beginning of an exciting new chapter. This page provides essential information to help you prepare for the ceremony and celebrate your achievements. As you prepare to participate in this special event, we’re here to ensure you have all the details needed for a memorable and successful experience.
Contact Us
Registrar’s Office and Enrolment Services
Before Convocation
The University is committed to hosting an accessible and inclusive ceremony. If you require one-on-one assistance or access support at the ceremony, please email ur.graduation@uregina.ca to ensure proper arrangements are in place before you arrive. Include the following information in your request: student ID number, daytime phone number, and the assistance you require.
Detailed information about guest tickets will be mailed to your @uregina.ca email address.
Please note the following:
- Only graduates attending their ceremony are eligible to claim a maximum of two (2) guest tickets by the deadline.
- You must reserve a gown (which will confirm your attendance) before you can claim guest tickets.
- After the deadline, unclaimed guest tickets will be added to the extra ticket pool.
- Extra tickets will be distributed in person on a first-come, first-served basis before the ceremony.
- When the venue is at capacity, guests without tickets will be directed to the overflow room.
- We do not keep a ticket waitlist.
Your gown reservation also confirms your attendance at Convocation. You’ll receive a link to the gown reservation portal at your uregina.ca email address. Please note the following:
- Reserve your gown online by the deadline.
- You'll need a gown reservation number to claim your guest tickets.
- On the day of the ceremony, you'll pick up your gown and hood in the Yellow Gym (formally Gym 2).
- 8:00 a.m. if your ceremony begins at 9:30 a.m.
- 12:15 p.m. if your cermony begins at 2:00 p.m.
- If you miss the deadline to reserve a gown, you can reserve one on the day of your ceremony. Look for the "Reserve On-the-Spot" sign. Please note: The vendor sends a limited supply of extra gowns. There is no guarantee that a gown will be available for you if you miss the reservation deadline.
- If you receive two or more credentials in the same ceremony, you will wear the regalia associated with your highest credential from your primary faculty.
For more information about academic regalia visit the Convocation Ceremony page.
Graduates from First Nations University of Canada will reserve their gown by contacting the FNUniv Registrar's Office.
If you have an outstanding account with Financial Services, the Library, AV Services, or a federated college, your parchment and any other graduation certification, including transcripts, will be withheld until you pay your account in full. You can pay at Financial Services, AH 205, or thru UR Self-Service.
Some faculties arrange for portrait sittings for their graduating students months prior to convocation. Please contact your faculty or federated college office for this information. The University of Regina does not rent regalia for private photo shoots.
If your privacy is a concern for you at Convocation, please read the following information carefully. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Convocation Coordinator by phone at (306) 585-4584.
Executive of Council List of Graduands
Before each convocation ceremony, the University of Regina Executive Of Council approves a list of all graduands that will be conferred a credential (certificate, diploma, or degree) at a particular convocation ceremony by the Chancellor. The list is not made public. Before any student can graduate, the student will have met all their academic requirements of their course of study, and their name must be approved by the University of Regina Executive of Council.
Printed Ceremony Program and other Convocation Publications
For each convocation ceremony, the University prints a program containing graduate names and credentials (certificate, diploma, or degree) awarded. All graduates' names are included, even the names of graduates who aren’t attending the ceremony. All graduates receive a printed program. A digital program is available for the in-person guests and viewers of the live-stream broadcast.
If you would prefer not to have your name printed in this program, or in any other Convocation publication, please complete the Withhold Name from Convocation Publications form (PDF) and email it to ur.graduation@uregina.ca at least four weeks before Convocation.
Convocation ceremonies will be broadcast on channel Access 7 at a later date. Some ceremonies with high-profile honorary degree recipients or award winners may be covered and broadcast by local news agencies without notice.
The convocation ceremonies can be viewed on our live-stream broadcast. This broadcast will then be posted to the University of Regina's YouTube channel. Your moment will be watched all over the world.
The convocation ceremony is a public event. Some graduates may be photographed by U of R Photography. Some of these photos may be posted to the public via social media and the University of Regina website. These photos may be used in publicity material promoting future U of R Convocation ceremonies.
Many graduates and their guests will likely be photographing the ceremony and the people within it. Many of these graduates and guests may choose to post their photos on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Platform Party
Please note that the U of R Photography will be photographing the faculty members, senior management, special guests, dignitaries, platform award winners, and honorary degree recipients. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at convocation@uregina.ca.
Day of the Ceremony
- Graduates arrive at:
- 8:00 a.m. for the morning ceremony
- 12:15 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony
- Parking is free in Lots 1M, 6, 7, and 8. Parking Map
- Enter through the East Entrance of the CKHS building (by parking lot 10). Look for the welcome banner. Important: Guests must enter through CKHS Atrium (main south doors). Guests are not permitted in the Green Gym (Gym 1) and Yellow Gym (Gym 2). Your guests will use the main CKHS entrance (South doors by Lot 6).
- Collect your regalia in the Yellow Gym (Gym 2). If you are graduating through one of the federated colleges, go to your college table.
- Show your photo ID to the gown attendant. Ensure you have the correct gown:
- U of R: Black
- PhD: Black Velvet with gold trim
- Campion: Red
- Luther: Royal Blue
- FNUniv: Sky Blue
- With your regalia, proceed to the designated dressing area. One of our volunteers will help you put on your hood (if applicable). All graduands must have their regalia on before entering the Green Gym (Gym 1).
- When fully dressed, you walk through the connecting hallway into the Green Gym to collect your name card and parchment(s) from a faculty representative. Look for your primary faculty sign.
- To ensure your name is pronounced properly, take your name card to an orator. The orators are assigned different faculties; watch for signs.
- Next, get in line with your faculty. Your name card will have a number on it – line up in numerical order. There will be signs posted and volunteers to assist you.
- A ceremony marshal will provide verbal instructions. Give your full attention.
- 9:00 a.m. for the morning ceremony
- 1:30 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony
- Ceremony marshals* will lead the graduate procession (in two lines) to Gym 3.
- 9:15 a.m. for the morning ceremony
- 1:45 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony
*Ceremony marshals wear black gowns with a gold shoulder sash. If you need assistance at any time before or during the ceremony, please wave to get their attention and they will assist you.
Important Notes
- Eat a good meal and hydrate before arrival.
- Bring your U of R or government-issued photo id.
- Arrive on time! It takes time to get dressed and lined up. The ceremony begins promptly at 9:30 a.m. for the morning ceremony or 2:00 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony. Entry is not guaranteed once the ceremony begins.
- Personal belongings such as purses, bags, and coats are not permitted in the assembly room (Green Gym) or in the ceremony. These items should be left with your guests or in the Gown Room (Yellow Gym) at your own risk. The University of Regina is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
- Cellphones must remain on silent throughout the ceremony.
- Avoid chewing gum. It is very noticeable on the jumbo screen.
- Visit the washroom prior to 9:00 a.m. for the monring ceremony or 1:30 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony. Graduates will use the locker room washrooms in the north hallway.
- The ceremony could take up to two hours. As a courtesy to your fellow graduates and honoured guests, you are expected to stay until the end of the ceremony.
- The University of Regina is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all graduates and guests. To help with this, artificial noisemakers, air horns, and megaphones are not allowed in the gym.
- At 9:30 a.m. for the morning ceremony or 2:00 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony, the ceremony begins. On cue, graduands will enter the gym in two lines – stay in your line! A ceremony marshals will direct you to your row. You can wave at your loved ones, but keep the line moving and do not leave gaps.
- Once you are at your chair, be seated until the procession is complete. Important: Graduands are not permitted to sit with guests in the stands and guests are not permitted to sit with graduands on the floor.
- Listen for further instructions from the MC.
- When it is time for you to be presented, a ceremony marshal will direct you to the stage.
- Pay attention when it is your turn to cross the stage. When the person in front of you begins moving across the stage, give the Orator your name card to be read.
- When your name is announced move forward along the red carpet, pause (very briefly) to acknowledge the Chancellor at center stage.
- Near the end of the stage, shake hands with President Keshen.
- Walk down the stairs at the front of the stage where an Alumni representative will present you with a pin.
- A ceremony marshal will direct you to return to the next available chair on the floor. It may not be your original seat.
- Out of respect for your fellow graduates and honored guests, you are expected to remain for the entire ceremony.
- A ceremony marshal will lead you out of the gym.
- To avoid getting lost in the crowd, make plans with your guests to meet at a specific location away from the main lobby and exit doors.
- Regalia must be returned by: 12:30 p.m. (morning ceremony); 5:00 p.m. (afternoon ceremony)
The drop off location may be in a different location from where you picked up your gown. More information will be sent to your email. - There will be a replacement charge for any unreturned items:
- Bachelor hood $85.50
- Master hood $96.80
- PhD hood $151.40
- Bachelors gown $112.25
- Master gown $153.45
- PhD gown $540.75
Frequently Asked Questions
Graduates are responsible for the cost of their gown rental.
No. The convocation ceremony you attend is determined by the date you apply for graduation, the term in which your credential is awarded, and your primary faculty.
- International students with a valid study permit can request a letter from UR International Student Services by completing the Letter of Invitation request form.
- Permanent residents and domestic students can write their own letter of invitation.
You are welcome to attend your federated college ceremony and the U of R ceremony.
You will receive information about your college ceremony from your college's registrar's office. Contact your college's registrar's office for more details.
You will receive U of R convocation ceremony information from ur.graduation@uregina.ca.
At the U of R ceremony, you will cross the stage with your affiliated faculty. Prior to the U of R ceremony, you will pick up your gown and hood at your college table. Watch for signs when you enter the gown room.
You will attend the ceremony of your primary faculty and highest credential you've earned. If you are graduating from more than one program at the same ceremony, you will only cross the stage once. You will wear the regalia designated for your highest credential.
If you are graduating with two degrees (a program with at least 4 years of study) from two different faculties, contact ur.graduation@uregina.ca to let us know which faculty you'd like to cross with. You are permitted to wear only one hood.
The convocation ceremony requires extensive preparation and involves the entire University. To ensure a smooth event, we need to know in advance how many graduates will be attending and who they are. Please, email ur.graduation@uregina.ca to inquire if we can still accommodate you.
Yes, you can still graduate and participate in the convocation ceremony. However, your parchment case will include a reminder to settle your account rather than the actual parchment.
Speak with Financial Services to set up a payment schedule. Once your account is paid, notify ur.graduation@uregina.ca. Your parchment will be available to pick up at the Enrolment and Student Records Centre, AH 210, or you can request it to be mailed to you. Remember to include your student ID number and mailing address in your email!
Although we make every effort to keep temperatures comfortable, you may become overly warm from the weight of the academic gown. Remember that you will walk and climb a few stairs; therefore, choose appropriate footwear and clothing. Corsages, extraneous apparel, and jewelry can not be pinned on the gown. Unapproved headgear (such as a cap and tassel) is not allowed.
University regulations require graduates participating in the convocation ceremony to do so in approved academic regalia – that is, an academic gown and hood.
- Certificate and Diploma graduates do not wear a hood unless specified by the regalia guidelines.
- Graduates will not wear the hood of a previously earned degree.
- The University of Regina's regalia does not include a mortarboard (cap and tassel).
- All graduates wear black gowns except for the following:
- PhD graduates, velvet black robe with gold trim
- Campion College, red
- Luther College, royal blue
- First Nations University of Canada, sky blue
Graduates are welcome to wear their Indigenous ceremonial dress, other cultural ceremonial dress, or their military or law enforcement dress uniform with, or instead of, the gown at the convocation ceremonies. In these instances, graduates must still wear the University of Regina hood. Protocol inquiries about appropriate academic regalia should be directed to ur.graduation@uregina.ca
Please email ur.graduation@uregina.ca to let us know you are no longer attending.
Your parchment will be mailed to you. Ensure your primary mailing address (MA) is correct in UR Self-Service by:
- October 1 for the fall ceremony
- June 1 for the spring ceremony