Multi-Factor Authentication FAQs

Have questions about MFA and Duo at the University of Regina? 

General FAQs

What is MFA?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an additional level of security on top of passwords. Please see our "What is MFA?" web page for full detail.

What is Duo?

Duo is the technology vendor that the University of Regina has partnered with to implement MFA. Please see our web page of "What is MFA?" which includes a section on "What is Duo?"

Why Use MFA?

Passwords alone aren't enough anymore. Passwords can often be stolen, guessed, or compromised - you might not even know someone is accessing your account. Multi‐factor authentication adds a second layer of security, keeping your account secure even if your password is compromised. Discover more reasons, facts, and figures why MFA is being introduced at the University of Regina at Why Use MFA?.

Who can use MFA?

MFA is open for use by U of R employees, which includes staff, faculty, researchers, instructors, IT administrators, contractors and consultants.

MFA is not currently available to students, retirees, or alumni.

When is MFA coming to University of Regina?

The MFA project was launched in early 2021. Applications are being onboarded throughout the summer, and users will be encouraged to enroll starting in August 2021.

MFA will be voluntary for many applications but will be required to access applications that contain sensitive or restricted data starting in late 2021. To see a list of all applicaitons which are enrolled with MFA, please see the MFA Enabled Applications listing.

MFA will be required for Banner and FAST starting Dec. 6, 2021.

MFA will be required for CASPUR, with an tentative date of early 2022.

Users of applications which are required to use MFA are encouraged to enroll prior to the date when the application will implemented mandatory MFA. This will prevent users from being unable to log in.

Watch for announcements and invitations for your turn to enroll.

Is there a cost to use MFA?

There is no cost to use MFA at the U of R. The Duo mobile App is free. Generating a code with the App is free.
The push method to the App, if you are connected by Wi-Fi, is free. The push method, using very little data, is effectively free via cellular data depending on your data plan. Generating a list of one-time codes from the Multi-Factor setup page is free.

To see all of the options for authentications devices, please see MFA Second Factor Options.

The Duo service is free to the user and funded by Information Services.

Note: Users of hardware tokens that become lost or damaged repeatedly may incur a fee for replacement.

Note: Users of U2F devices/Security Keys such as Yubikey or Feitian Security must supply their own device.

MFA Devices FAQs

Can I have Duo on more than one device?

Yes. It is strongly recommended to have more than one device enrolled in Duo.

It is beneficial to have Duo set up on more than one device in case you forget your mobile phone at home. You may add as many phones/devices as you like on the manage device portal. After that, you can choose which device Duo will send the authentication request to, when you are logging in.  You can use any number or combination of mobile devices (i.e. both Android and iOS devices on your account, or just iOS or just Android).

See the Device Management Guide for details on how to add additional devices.  When you are ready to add additional devices, you can log into the device management portal.

How do I add a second device to use with MFA?

By logging into the the device management portal, users can add additional mobile devices to their MFA accounts.

Detailed instructions are available in the Device Management Guide.

Do I need a smartphone to use Duo?

Smartphones are highly recommended but not strictly required. Duo provides flexibility in offering several second factors, and you do not need a smartphone to use it.

The recommended smartphone/mobile device option makes multi-factor authentication extremely convenient, but other easy options exist as well.

Those who do not have a smartphone can be issued a hardware token to generate codes. These codes can then be ready from the hardware token display and typed into the prompt the application login screen on your computer.

Whenever possible, smartphones should be used as they provide the best user experience.

Users who opt to use a hardware token must visit ITSC to pick up your hardware token. ITSC will complete the enrollment process for you when you pick up your hardware token.  See details on how to request a hardware token.

In exceptional circumstances, hardware tokens can be delivered via interoffice mail, and enrollment completed with ITSC over the telephone.

Again, hardware tokens should be utilized only when smartphones are not available to a user, and not as a preferential second factor.

What types second factor authentication options are supported?

The University of Regina MFA project provides flexibility to use several different second factors authentication options.

The supported second factors include:

  • Duo Mobile App for Push
  • Duo Mobile App for Passcode
  • Backup codes
  • Hardware Tokens for those without a mobile device

For more details on second factors, please see the resources page on selecting a second factor.

What can the Duo Mobile app Access on my device?

Duo only collects information required to provide and improve the service. No extra information is utilized. Please see the Duo Mobile Privacy Information documentation. 

Users of the University of Regina MFA Service are required to review and agree to this document prior to enrolling in the service.  The Enrollment Guide provides details on how to review and agree to the privacy information.

What if my mobile device doesn't have an internet connection?

The Duo smartphone app provides options that work without a data plan, a texting plan, or even a connection, if necessary. The Duo app can generate a code without a Wi-Fi connection, a cell signal, or a data plan, and it can do so anywhere in the world.  See guidance on how to use the Duo Mobile App with Passcode to authenticate without data or wifi.

What if I already have the Duo Mobile app installed?

You will use the same Duo Mobile app and simply add your University of Regina account to the already installed Duo Mobile app. This is done by opening the Duo Mobile app and selecting the " + " sign in the upper right corner. Then you will scan the activation barcode, which you will receive during the enrollment process.  For details on how to connect the pre-installed Duo Mobile App to your account, see this step in the enrollment guide.

Why should I use my personal phone for MFA?

Mobile phones are the most popular choice for multi-factor authentication because of their convenience. Most people seldom go anywhere without one.

Most users are already using their mobile devices for email or other work-related tasks. This is because users recognize the convenience of using a single personal device rather than a separate device for University tasks.

If using a mobile phone isn't an option for you, please contact the Information Technology Support Centre to discuss other options or read about the other options available in the selecting a device for use as a second factor.

You can discuss concerns about using a mobile phone for your job with your supervisor.

It is important to note that the "Bring Your Own Device Standard" supports using personal devices for MFA.

In most cases, the cost of using MFA on a Mobile device will be zero. Information about privacy can be reviewed prior to enrollment by going to the enrollment portal login.

What are the mobile device requirements for using Duo Mobile?

Duo Mobile App requires one of the following device versions:

  • iOS (Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod) version 11 or above.
  • Android version 8 or above.  Duo recommends upgrading to the most recent version of Android available for your device. We cannot ensure compatibility of Duo Mobile with custom variants or distributions of Android.

For more details, please see the iOS Duo Mobile or Android Duo Mobile pages.

What are backup codes and how do I used them?

Backup codes are unique code which can be used in the future for MFA should your mobile device be unavailable (lost, stolen, or dead).

It is important to create backup codes as you may need to access a site or service which requires MFA and your device may be unavailable and the Information Technology Support Centre is closed.

Backup codes will allow you to access your applications until a new device can be added or ITSC can assist you.

Backup codes can be created by logging into the Backup Code Portal, and saved offline. We suggest printing the list and keeping it somewhere safe such as a locked desk drawer.  See instructions on how to create backup codes.

You can use a backup code to authenticate by entering the code from your list when prompted to enter a 'Passcode' by Duo.

Why did I receive an email reminder to create backup codes?

Users who enroll in MFA but who do not create backup codes will receive email reminders to create backup codes.

The email will ask you to see the instructions on how to create backup codes, and then log into the backup portal.

This is a reminder to create backup codes so that you are fully enrolled in MFA. Creating backup codes is the final step in the enrollment process.

Using MFA FAQs

Do I still need a password when using MFA?

Yes. Passwords are still required when using MFA. Passwords will continue to be used but provide much better security on your account when coupled with MFA.

Passwords are something you know, and MFA is something you have. This combination is much stronger than a password alone. Password + Proof = Secure Access.

How do I sign up for MFA?

First step is to review MFA Enrollment Guide. If you are ready to enroll in MFA, have your mobile device handy to start using the Duo Mobile App (recommended) and then click "Do the Duo" button on the main MFA Page, or click the "Enrollment Portal Login" button on the main MFA page, or go directly to the enrollment portal.

If you don't have a mobile device, you will need to request a hardware token.

Can I 'Opt Out' of Using MFA?

Once you are signed up for MFA, there is no option to opt out. MFA will be required to access some applications, so users of these applciations will be required to use MFA.  

MFA is only removed for users who are no longer employees.

Does using Duo change how I log in?

When logging in to a University of Regina website or application with MFA enabled, your log in process will change.

First, you will be asked to provide your username and password. Next, you will be asked to pick a method of providing or being contacted for your second factor. This second factor can be a smartphone app (Push), a pre-generated list of off-line codes (backup codes), or an enrolled hardware token.

If your code or push is accepted, you will be logged in as requested.  For full instructions on how to log in with MFA, please see the Using MFA Guide.  These instructions will provide details on how to use MFA on each type of device.

Do I have to use Duo everytime I log in?

You should be prepared to use Duo whenever you log in to an MFA enabled application, however, depending on the application, you may have an option to "remember me" for up to 7 days.

The "remember me" feature makes MFA more convenient by reducing the number of times that you'll be prompted by MFA on the same device using the same browser.

Note that not all applications will have the "remember me" option.  For example, applications such as CASPUR which are not web-based applications may require MFA each authentication in order to access.

See the remember me resource page for how to use this option.

What web browsers are required to authenticate via Duo?

A recent version of a web browser is needed to display the web page properly. Recommended browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

If using Internet Explorer, you are required to use IE Version 8 or later and compatibility view must be off.

Older versions of Chrome, especially those with the LastPass extension, may prevent the Duo interface from loading. To fix this problem, try installing the most current version of Chrome.

If Duo does not display within a supported browser, sometimes clearing your browser's cache and cookies will resolve the issue.

Can I use the Duo Mobile app for personal accounts?

Yes, Duo Mobile is an "authenticator application" that supports a number of web based accounts such as Facebook, Google/Gmail, Amazon, and many more services that have multifactor login enabled. Search the support pages on the web service you wish to enable "multifactor factor authentication" or "two-factor authentication," and follow the instructions to add your Duo Mobile authenticator application.

Duo provides instructions on how to do this at

Note that while Duo supports 3rd party accounts, personal account integration with U of R's MFA is offered on a best effort basis from the Information Technology Support Centre

How much data does the Duo Mobile App use?

Data is only used with the Duo Mobile App push authentication. And almost no data is used. 500 pushes to your device will use 1 MB of data in total. This is roughly equivalent to loading one webpage on your smartphone.

No data is used when connected to Wi-fi or when using Duo Mobile App code, hardware tokens, or backup codes.

Does Duo MFA work while travelling abroad?

Yes, Duo will work internationally. It is recommended that the Duo Mobile app passcode be utilized as this method of MFA does not utilize data on your mobile device or require a wi-fi connection. This allows you to authenticate without an internet connection on your mobile device.

It is also recommended that backup codes be created prior to your departure and safely stored so that you can gain access in the event your device is lost or stolen.

Hardware tokens also will allow MFA access while travelling without data connectivity, but are not the prefered method of authentication.

If you are traveling and have any issues, please contact the IT Support Centre.

What U of R applications use MFA?

The list of applications which utilize MFA is growing! Please see our list of MFA Enabled Applications for a current list.  New applications are being added often.

If you have an application or system which is not currently using MFA, and you would like it added to the MFA service, please contact ITSC with your request.

How do I authenticate using Duo Mobile push on iOS (Apple iPhone, iPad)?

Please see our instructions on using Duo Mobile push on iOS, or view the below video demonstration.

How do I authenticate using Duo Mobile push on Android?

Please see our instructions on using Duo Mobile push on Android, or view the below video demonstration.

How do I authenticate using Duo Mobile Passcode?

Please see our instructions on using Duo Mobile Passcode on iOS, or view the below video demonstration.

How do I authenticate using using a backup code?

Please see our instructions on using a backup code, or view the below video demonstration. Backup codes are created ahead of time using the Backup Portal.  Please see instructions on how to create backup codes.

How do I authenticate using using a hardware token code?

Please see our instructions on using a hardware token code, or view the below video demonstration.

Help! How do I get support?

The MFA website provides instructions on how to get enrolled in MFA, manage your devices, and use MFA to authenticate. Additional resources and troubleshooting are provided to help guide MFA users.

If you require assistance, or have questions about MFA, please contact the Information Technology Support Centre. Duo MFA is officially supported by the University of Regina.

More Questions?

If you have questions that are not listed in our FAQ's, please let us know!  Contact the ITSC and we will add common questions to this webpage.