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  4. GOV-020-005 Naming Buildings, Facilities, and Academic Units
University of Regina Policy

Naming Buildings, Facilities and Academic Units

Audience:University members
Issued:August 27, 1997
Revised:July 10, 2020
Owner(s):Executive Director, University Advancement
Approved by:Board of Governors
Contact:Executive Director (University Advancement) - 306-337-2921


This policy outlines the University’s position on naming assets to honour distinguished persons, families, organizations, corporations, or foundations.


This policy assumes that all namings adhere to the University’s Donation and Gift Acceptance policy GOV-030-005.

Every recognition resulting in naming an asset must have a written agreement that addresses the factors outlined in this policy.

Assets may be named for a person, family, organization, corporation or foundation only in one of the following circumstances:

  • there has been a significant contribution to the life and mission of the University
  • a person with a strong connection to the University has made a major contribution in an academic discipline
  • there has been an outstanding contribution to the community which is deserving of University of Regina recognition
  • an individual or group is a major benefactor of the University

Naming in Honour of a Benefactor

All namings resulting from a financial contribution to the University must adhere to the University's Donation and Gift Acceptance policy GOV-030-005. Naming agreements must also have the engagement of University Advancement and follow University Advancement's gift recognition scale as determined by the following parameters:

  • Value of gift: the gift covers a substantial portion of the initial cost or, in the case of an existing structure or area, a substantial portion of the insurable value.
  • Period of time: the name will remain in place usually for a maximum of 15 years, based on the value of the gift (naming in perpetuity is possible if gift covers the greater part of the structure or area’s cost).
  • Rescinding recognition: if, in the University’s sole opinion, the recognized benefactor is no longer in alignment with the University’s mission and fundamental values, the University reserves the right to rescind recognition.
  • Change of name: the University may entertain the donor’s request to change the original recognition naming, at the cost of the donor, when there has been a:
    • change in ownership
    • change in business name
    • cessation of business or familial relationship
  • The University of Regina reserves the right to demolish, retrofit, add to or maintain the named area as the institution’s property and programming needs evolve.  In that event, the University will undertake to represent the donor in other appropriate venues on campus.
  • When undertaking a capital fundraising project, the donation amount expected for naming will typically be set in advance of soliciting donors and should be adhered to during the capital fundraising campaign.

Roles and Responsibilities

Board of Governors

  • approves naming of buildings or academic units to honour a person, family, organization, corporation or foundation
  • delegates authority to the Governance and Nominations Committee to review naming proposals and bring recommendations forward
  • makes final decisions to rescind recognition

Governance and Nominations Committee (of the Board of Governors)

  • reviews naming proposals for buildings and academic units and brings recommendations to the Board of Governors
  • may solicit nominations from the community from time to time


  • approves the naming of assets where the name would be descriptive of function, location or usage
  • provides recommendation to the Governance and Nominations Committee on naming proposals
  • approves namings outside the Board of Governors’ decision mandate

Executive of Council

  • recommends naming of academic units to the Board of Governors for approval

Consequences for Noncompliance

Failure to comply may result in reputational, relational and financial risk to the University and the potential for renaming the asset.


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