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  3. Active Threat Procedures

Active Threat Procedures

This information will provide you with what to do if there is an active assailant or active threat in or around your building on campus. Protective Services recommends all students and staff to become familiar with the Emergency Notification System (ENS) and how it works with Alertus.

Emergency Notification System (ENS)

The University of Regina’s Emergency Notification System (ENS) is designed to ensure effective and timely warnings are delivered to faculty, staff, students and visitors to campus in the event of a life threatening situation when people must take immediate action to stay safe on campus.

  • Displays across computer monitors and television screens on the main and College Avenue campuses.
  • Not linked to the Fire Alarm System and will not activate when the fire alarm sounds.
  • Available in all common areas, classrooms, dormitories and other occupants spaces.
  • Wall-mounted beacons with integrated flash sounder signaling and message display.
  • Will automatically push messages to other communication channels that are connected to the University of Regina Novell system.

Learn more: ENS link

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response (SVPR)

The University of Regina Sexual Violence Prevention and Response (SVPR) coordinator can assist either survivors or their supports in person, or by telephone or e-mail.

For more information visit the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response website.

Active Assailant

Be prepared!

This information will provide you with what to do if there is an active assailant in or around your building on campus.

  • It is extemely unlikely that you will ever encounter an active threat on campus
  • An active assailant is a person actively shooting at people, usually at random, in a confined or populated area. 
  • Active assailant situations evolve quickly and can be over within 10 to 15 minutes.

We recommend you download the Alertus App for all updates in the event of an incident occurring so you are aware every step of the way.

Multiple Languages: Armed Assailant Preparedness Videos 

What to do during an active threat

What to do if there is an active assailant in your building?

If you determine it is safe, RUN and get out! This is your first and best option.  Leave all of your belongings behind and advise others not to enter the danger zone while you are exiting the area.  Call Regina Police Service, 911, as soon as it is safe to do so.

Multiple Languages: Armed Intruder Preparedness Videos

What to do if there is an active assailant and evacuation from your building is not safe?

If evacuation is not possible, find a place to HIDE.

  • Lock and/or barricde the door. 
  • Turn off or silence your cell phone, including the vibrate feature. 
  • Hide behind large objects
  • If possible, stay low, below window level
  • Close curtains or blinds where possible
  • Await instruction or excort from law enforcement
What to do if there is an active assailant and your life is in danger?

As a last resort, if you feel your life is in danger: FIGHT.

  • Attempt to incapacitate the assailant and act with physical aggresion.
  • Improvise weapons and commit to your actions.

Once the assailant is incapacitated, call Regina Police Service, 911.

What to do when there is an active assailant and then law enforcement arrives?
  • Keep your EMPTY hands raised and visible to Police.
  • Remain calm and follow all instructions given.
  • Avoid pointing and yelling.
  • Police will go directly to the shooter.
  • Realize that Police Officers that are first to arrive will not respond to or aid those who are injured. Understand that help for those who may be injured is on the way.
  • Understand that the area is a crime scene, police may secure all witnesses until identified and questioned.