Biology graduate students Michael Mensah and Breanne Phillips took the the top two places in the 2024 3MT (Three-Minute Thesis) competition hosted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research, held in Darke Hall. Congratulations to both Michael and Breanne.
The top three competitors from the U of R 2024 3MT competition. Left to right: Breann Phillips (Biology Dept, 2nd place), Michael Mensah (Biology Dept, 1st place), and Maxine Adjei-Dadson (Media, Art & Performance, 3rd place).
Biology Dept Graduate Student Laura Schnell Wins the 2024-25 Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor Scholarship
Laura is a PhD student with Dr. Andrew Cameron in the Institute for Microbial Systems and Society (IMSS). Her work focuses on environmental microbiology, including the effects of permafrost thawing on microbial communities and also monitoring Saskatchewan farm dugouts for toxic cyanobacteria.
Link to the official announcement from the Government of Saskatchewan.
MSc Student Jordan Rustad Featured in Discourse Magazine
Biology MSc student Jordan Rustad is studying urban wildlife in Regina. The U of R's Discourse magazine has recently produced a video article about Jordan's research.
Biology Students at the INSPIRE Research Symposium
The U of R's Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research sponsored the Interdisciplinary Series for Professional Intellectual and Research Engagement (INSPIRE) Symposium on Nov. 23/23, an event led by a team of graduate students at the University. Biology students took home six awards (in three categories) at the event.
The Biology students did very well in the three parts of the symposium. Laura Schnell (MSc student, 3rd from left) finished second in the poster competition, Mohammed Quraishi (4th year undergraduate, second from right) finished third in the poster competition, Stephanie Flaman (MSc student, absent from photogrpah) finished first in the data blitz, Emma Blanken (MSc student, 4th from the left) finished second in the data blitz, Zohra Zahir (PhD student, third from the right)) finished first paper presentation competition, and Ashlyn Kirk (MSc student, far right of the image) finished second in the paper presentation competition.
Ledingham Herbarium Receives Donation of 165 Year-Old Preserved Plants
The Ledingham Herhabrium has received a donation of preserved plant specimens from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. These plant specimens were collected in 1857-1858, during the Palliser expeditions in western Canada. The Palliser expedition (officially known as British North American Exploring Expedition) explored western Canada during the years 1857-1860. Among other things, the expedition led to the identification of "Palliser's Triangle" (in southern Saskatchewan and Alberta), an area that was initially deemed unsuitable for plant-based agriculture due to poor moisture conditions.Eugène Bourgeau was a French botanist who accompanied the expedition, and who collected plants during their explorations. Some of his plant specimens are held at the RBG Edinburgh, who generously provided 12 specimens to the U of R's Ledingham Herbarium in July 2023. These specimens were collected between 1857 and 1858 in Saskatchewan, and now represent the oldest holdings in the Ledingham Herbarium.
An E. Bourgeau specimen of Atriplexcanascens (which has several common names, including "wingscale"), an evergreen shrub found in dry areas in southern Saskatchewan.
U of R Field Station - 50th Anniversary in 2023
The U of R Field Station, located in the Cypress Hils of southwestern Saskatchewan, has recently celebrated its 50th birthday. The occasion was marked by a birthday party, and also a few adventures in trying to drive across the creek in order to reach the Station. Photos by Anne Brigham.
2023 Spring Convocation
Congratulations to two Biology graduates who won major awards at the 2023 Spring Convocation: Nicole Lerminiaux (PhD 2023) was awarded the Governor General's Aacdemic Gold Medal. This award is given for the most outstanding graduate thesis at the University of Regina. Nicole's work was in the field of microbiology, supervised by Dr. Andrew Cameron. Mackenzie Evans (BSc Hons 2023) was awarded the University Medal in Science, which is awarded to the most distinguished student graduating with a first degree from the Faculty of Science.
Left to right: Dr. Nicole Lerminiaux, Dr. Jeff Keshen (U of R President) and Dr. Chris Yost (Vice-President Research). (Photo credit: Trevor Hopkin, U of R Photography)
Biology Dept TA of the Year Award - 2023
Congratulations to Emma Blanken, who has won the TA of the Year Award for 2022-2023. Emma is a MSc student, and was a teaching assistant for Human Biology (BIOL 140) and Animal Physiology (BIOL 378).
Biology TAs of the Year for 2021-2022
The Biology TA of the Year Award is given annually to an outstanding Teaching Assistant in the Department of Biology. This year we have two outstanding Biology teaching assistants of the year: Laura Schnell (left) and Ryan Rimas (right).
Unusual Scale Patterns Found on Fossilized Dinosaur Skin
Caelan Libke (Biology Dept MSc student) and Dr. Ryan McKellar (Royal Saskatchewan Museum and Adjunct member of the Biology Dept) discovered a highy unusual skin pattern on a fossil of the hadrosaur Edmontosaurus. The fossil was discovered in Eastend, SK, near the site where Scotty the T. rex was found.Articlefrom the Regina Leader-Post.
Inaugural Biology Teaching Assistant Awards for 2020-2021 Announced!
TheBiology TA of the Year Award is given annually to an outstanding Teaching Assistant in the Department of Biology. The official photo was a bit late due to COVID considerations. This year we have two outstanding Biology teaching assistants of the year: Kevina Mullock (left) and Danae Suchan (right).
Study Shows Benefits of Removing Nitrogen from Wastewater
Work from the U of R Biology Department shows that removing nitrogen from wastewater, due to the upgrade in the City of Regina's wastewater treatment plant, has improved water quality in Wascana Creek. Articlefrom the Regina Leader-Post.
Nicole Lerminiaux is the Recipient of the University's Graduate Student Excellence Award (Innovation and Research) for 2021.
Nicole's microbiology research examines how bacterial interactions drive ecological processes in farm dugouts in southern Saskatchewan. She is a PhD student working with Andrew Cameron. Congratulations to Nicole on winning this award.
Dana Green is a 2021 Recipient of the American Society of Mammalogist's Fellowship
This award, valued at USD20,000, recognizes a graduate student with a sustained record of outstanding research productivity as well as substantial engagement in ASM. Dana has also been elected to the ASM's Board of Directors, and is a PhD student working on bat ecology with Mark Brigham. Congratulations to Dana.
Nathaneal Bergbusch is Awarded the U of R Governor General's Academic Gold Medal
The Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal recognises the outstanding academic performance of a graduate student. Nathanael (Nat) Bergbusch is the 2021 recipient of this most distinguished prize. Nat has graduated with a Master of Science in Biology. Nat’s MSc thesis research was focused on the impact of Regina’s 2016 wastewater treatment plant upgrade on the water quality of two prairie rivers: Wascana Creek and the Qu’Appelle River. Nat's MSc supervisor was Peter Leavitt. Congratulations Nat!
Looking for Signs of COVID-19 in Regina Sewage
Two U of R microbiologists have started a pilot project to assess civic health by analyzing the city's sewage.Articlefrom the Regina Leader-Post.
Overcoming Challenges in Biology Lab Teaching During a Pandemic
U of R Biology lab instructors have developed creative ways to provide students with experience in hands-on biology. Article from Study International.
New Methods for Testing for COVID-19 and Other Viral Diseases
A U of R microbiologist part of a national effort to improve viral disease diagnostics. Article from the Regina Leader-Post.
Ghost Fleas Affect Aquatic Mercury Cycling in Katepwa Lake
U of R Biology researchers figure out why Katepwa Lake fish have high mercury levels. Article from the Regina Leader-Post.
Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition - Adam Sprott Wins Again!
On July 17/20, Biology graduate student Adam Sprott won the U of R 3MT competition for the second time (2018, 2020). Due to COVID-19, the 2020 competition was held via Zoom (photo on the left is of Adam's Zoom presentation, and the image on the right is the one slide that Adam was permitted to use). Adam will be representing the University at the upcoming Western Regional 3MT competition. The 2020 U of R 3MT competition can be viewed at theFacebookpage of theUniversity of Regina Graduate Students Association. Congratulations to Adam!
NSERC CGS-M Awards 2020
Congratulations to three Biology Department MSc students who have just been awarded Canada Graduate Scholarships from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The students who have received the awards are: Nikki Burnett, Kevina Mullock and Noah Johnson. The Biology Dept wishes these three graduate students all the best in their research endeavours.