Guoxiang Chi

Contact Info
Research interests
- Economic geology
- Uranium deposits
- Mineralization hydrodynamics
- Geofluids
- Fluid inclusions
Expertise and areas of study
Dr. Guoxiang Chi's expertise is mainly in the field of fluid geochemistry and hydrodynamics in relation to metallic mineralization and hydrocarbon accumulation, with emphasis on application of fluid-inclusion, stable isotope, and numerical modeling techniques.
His current research topics include: 1) Hydrodynamic linkage between shallow and deep-seated geologic processes and its control on mineralization; 2) Uranium mineralization systems in various environments, especially in sedimentary basins; 3) Au, Cu, Pb, and Zn mineralization systems in sedimentary, orogenic and magmatic-hydrothermal environments; 4) Diagenetic studies of sedimentary rocks, with emphasis on reservoir characterization and hydrocarbon migration and charging history.
Prior to joining the University of Regina, Dr. Chi worked as a Research Scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada (1996-2002), Research Associate at INRE-Georesources (1996), and Post-doctoral Fellow at the Geological Survey of Canada (1994-1995) and University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (1992-1993).
Dr. Chi is Associate Editor of "Ore Geology Reviews" and "Acta Geologica Sinica", and Editorial Board Member of "Journal of Earth Science" and "Geotectonica et Metallogenia", and has served as Associate Editor of "Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology", Guest Editor for special issues of "Geoscience Frontiers", "Ore Geology Reviews", and "Geofluids".
Courses taught
Geol 307 (former Geol 471; Geochemistry): Geochemical principles and application in solving geological problems and geochemical exploration.
Geol 313 (Igneous Petrology): Classification and genesis of igneous rocks. Introduction to the common igneous rock suites and associations. Study of hand specimens and thin sections.
Geol 470 (Mineral Deposits): Geologic characteristics & genesis of major types of mineral deposits and basic concepts of mineral exploration.
Geol 476 (former Geol 371; Principles of Groundwater Flow): Principles of groundwater flow, properties of aquifers, groundwater geology, regional groundwater flow.
Geol 314 (Sedimentology): Classification, genesis and petrology of sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary processes and environments.
Geol 396 (Geology Field Course – I): Geological study in an area of sedimentary rocks.
Geol 414 (Geology of Siliciclastic Rocks): Depositional models using modern sedimentary analogues to interpret ancient environments and application in sequence stratigraphy.
Geol 496 (Geology Field Course – II): Geological study and mapping in the Flin Flon greenstone belt.
Geol 874 (Geology of Fluids): Geochemistry and hydrodynamics of basinal fluids, and their application in diagenesis, mineralization, and hydrocarbon migration.
Geol 800 (Fluid Inclusions): Principles and application of fluid inclusion analyses.
Geol 870 (Recent advances in Geochemistry): Advanced geochemistry in hydrothermal ore-forming systems and diagenetic environments.
Geol 880 (Selected Topics in Geology - Metallogeny): Characteristics, genesis, and geochemistry of selected types of mineral deposits including MVT, Orogenic Gold, VMS, base metals inb sedimentary basins, Uranium in sedimentary basins.
Selected recent publications
Abudukeyumu, A., Song, H., Chi, G., Li, Q., Zhang, C., 2022. Quaternary uranium mineralization in the Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from petrographic and C-O isotopic evidence. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 104628.
Yan, Q., Wang, H., Chi, G., Zhou, K., Hu, H. 2022. Recognition of a 600-km-long Late Triassic rare-metal (Li–Rb–Be–Nb–Ta) pegmatite belt in the Western Kunlun orogenic belt, western China. Economic Geology, v. 117, p. 213–236.
Li, Q., Song, H., Chi, G., Zhang, G., Xu, Z., 2021. Genesis of visible gold in pyrite in the Zhaoxian gold deposit, Jiaodong gold province, China: constraints from EBSD micro-structural and LA-ICP-MS elemental analyses. Ore Geology Reviews, OREGEO 104591,
Cheng, W., Peng, Y., Su, J., Chi, G., Li, G., Lv, P. 2021. Geology, geochemistry and genesis of Keyue: A newly discovered Pb-Zn-Sb-Ag polymetallic deposit associated with magmatic center in Southern Tibet, China. Ore Geology Reviews 139 (2021) 104546, doi:
Ma, W., Deng, T., Xu, D., Chi, G., Li, Z., Zhou, Y., Dong, G., Wang, Z., Zou, S., Qian, Q., Guo, S. 2021. Geological and geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal alteration in the Wangu deposit in the central Jiangnan Orogenic Belt and implications for gold mineralization, Ore Geology Reviews (2021), doi:
Wang, Y., Chi, G., Li, Z., Bosman, S. 2021. Large-scale thermal convection in sedimentary basins revealed by coupled quartz cementation-dissolution distribution pattern and reactive transport modeling – a case study of the Proterozoic Athabasca Basin (Canada). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 574 (2021) 117168.
Rabiei, M., Chi, G., Potter, E.G., Tschirhart, V., MacKay, C., Frostad, S., McElroy, R., Ashley, R., McEwan, B. 2021. Fluid evolution along the Patterson Lake corridor in the southwestern Athabasca Basin: constraints from fluid inclusions and implications for unconformity-related uranium mineralization. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, v. 20, geochem2020-029. DOI:
Chi, G., Diamond, L., Lu, H.-Z., Lai, J., Chu, H. 2021. Common problems and pitfalls in fluid inclusion study: a review and discussion. Minerals 2021, 11, 7.
Xu, D., Chi, G., Nie, F., Fayek, M., Hu, R. 2021. Diversity of uranium deposits in China – introduction to the Special Issue. Ore Geology Reviews.
Chu, H., Chi, G., Xue, C. 2020. Quantification of solute composition in H2O-NaCl -CaCl2 solutions using cryogenic 2D Raman mapping. Minerals 2020, 10, 1043; https://doi:10.3390/min10111043
Yan, Q., Wang, H., Chi, G. 2020. Pulsed magmatic fluid releasing in the formation of the Taoxihu Sn polymetallic deposit, Eastern Guangdong, SE China: evidence from fluid inclusions, cassiterite U–Pb geochronology, and stable isotopes. Ore Geology Reviews 126 (2020) 103724,
Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Eldursi, K., Quirt, D., Ledru, P., Thomas, D. 2020. Interplay between thermal convection and compressional fault reactivation in the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits. Mineralium Deposita.
Deng, T., Xu, D., Chi, G., Wang, Z., Chen, G., Zhou, Y., Li, Z., Ye, T., Yu, D. 2020. Caledonian (Early Paleozoic) veins overprinted by Yanshanian (Late Mesozoic) gold mineralization in the Jiangnan Orogen: A case study on gold deposits in northeastern Hunan, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 124 (2020) 103586,
Eldursi, K., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Li, Z., Ledru, P., Quirt, D. 2020. New insights from 2- and 3-D numerical modeling on fluid flow mechanisms and geological factors responsible for the formation of the world-class Cigar Lake uranium deposit, eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada. Mineralium Deposita.
Song, H., Chi, G., Zhang, C., Xu, D., Xu, Z., Fang, G., Zhang, G. 2020. Uranium enrichment in the Lala Cu-Fe deposit, Kangdian region, China: a new case of uranium mineralization associated with an IOCG system. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 121 (2020) 103463, p. 1-13.
Chi, G., Ashton, K., Deng, T., Xu, D., Li, Z., Song, H., Liang, R., Kennicott, J. 2020. Comparison of granite-related uranium deposits in the Beaverlodge district (Canada) and South China – a common control of mineralization by coupled shallow and deep-seated geologic processes in an extensional setting. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 117 (2020) 103319, p. 1-17.
Li, Y., Zhang, C., Chi, G., Duo, J., Li, Z., Song, H. 2020. Black and red alterations associated with the Baimadong uranium deposit (Guizhou, China): geological and geochemical characteristics and genetic relationships with uranium mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 111 (2019) 102981, p. 1-17.
Yuan, L., Chi, G., Wang, M., Li, Z., Xu, D., Deng, T., Geng, J., Hu, M., Zhang, L. 2019. Characteristics of REEs and trace elements in scheelite from the Zhuxi W deposit, South China: implications for the ore-forming conditions and processes. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 109, p. 585-597.
Chi, G., Chu, H., Petts, D., Potter, E., Jackson, S., Williams-Jones, A.E. 2019. Uranium-rich diagenetic fluids provide the key to unconformity-related uranium mineralization in the Athabasca Basin. Scientific Reports, (2019) 9: 5530,
Song, H., Ni, S., Chi, G., Zhang, C., Hou, M., Liu, H., Wang, G. 2019. Systematic variations of H-O-C isotopes in different alteration zones of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the southern margin of the Yili Basin (Xinjiang, China): a review and implications for the ore-forming mechanisms. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 107, p. 615-628.
Chi, G., Li., Z., Chu, H., Bethune, K.M., Quirt, D.H., Ledru, P., Normand, C., Card, C., Bosman, S., Davis, W.J., Potter, E.G. 2018. A shallow-burial mineralization model for the unconformity-related uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin. Economic Geology, v. 113, p. 1209-1217. https://doi:10.5382/econgeo.2018.4588
Wang, K., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Li, Z., Blamey, N., Card, C., Potter, E.G., Liu, Y. 2018. Fluid P-T-X characteristics and evidence for boiling in the formation of the Phoenix uranium deposit (Athabasca Basin, Canada): implications for unconformity-related uranium mineralization mechanisms. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 101, p. 122-142.
Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Eldursi, K., Quirt, D., Ledru, P., Gudmundson, G. 2018. Numerical simulation of strain localization and its relationship to formation of the Sue unconformity-related uranium deposits, eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 101, p. 17-31.
Chi, G., Blamey, N.J.F., Rabiei, M., Normand, N. 2018. Hydrothermal REE (xenotime) mineralization at Maw Zone, Athabasca Basin, Canada, and its relationship with unconformity-related uranium deposits – A reply. Economic Geology, v. 113, p. 998-999. https://doi:10.5382/econgeo.113.4.dis04
Long, Y., Chi, G., Liu, J., Zhang, D., Song, H. 2018. Uranium enrichment in a paleo-karstic bauxite deposit, Yunfeng, SW China: mineralogy, geochemistry, transport – deposition mechanisms and significance for uranium exploration. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 190, p. 424-435.
Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Eldursi, K., Thomas, D., Quirt, D., Ledru, P. 2018. Synchronous egress and ingress fluid flow related to compressional reactivation of basement faults: the Phoenix and Gryphon uranium deposits, southeastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, v. 53, p. 277-292. https://doi:10.1007/s00126-017-0737-5
Chi, G., Xue, C., Sun, X., Luo, P., Song, H., Li, S., Zeng, R. 2017. Formation of a giant Zn-Pb deposit from hot brines injecting into a shallow oil-gas reservoir in sandstones, Jinding, southwestern China. Terra Nova, v. 29, p. 312-320. https://doi:10.1111/ter.12279
Rabiei, M., Chi, G., Normand, C., Davis, W.J., Fayek, M., Blamey, N. 2017. Hydrothermal REE (xenotime) mineralization at Maw Zone, Athabasca Basin, Canada, and its relationship with unconformity-related uranium deposits. Economic Geology, v. 112, p. 1483-1507. https://doi:10.5382/econgeo.2017.4518
Li, X., Chi, G., Zhou, Y., Deng, T., Zhang, J. 2017. Oxygen fugacity of Yanshanian granites in South China and implications for metallogeny. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 88, p. 690-701.
Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Thomas, D., Zaluski, G. 2017. Structural controls on fluid flow during compressional reactivation of basement faults: insights from numerical modeling for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Canada. Economic Geology, v. 112, p. 451-466. https://doi:0361-0128/17/4476/451-16
Chi, G., Haid, T., Quirt, D., Fayek, M., Blamey, N., Chu, H. 2017. Petrography, fluid inclusion analysis and geochronology of the End uranium deposit, Kiggavik, Nunavut, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, v. 52, p. 211-232. Free copy:
Liang, R., Chi, G., Ashton, K., Blamey, N., Fayek, M. 2017. Fluid compositions and P-T conditions of vein-type uranium mineralization in the Beaverlodge uranium district, northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 80, p. 460-483.