Tier I Canada Research Chair in Water and the Environment
Professor, Director of Institute of Environmental Change and Society, and Tier I CRC in Water and the Environment
The Faculty of Science at the University of Regina invites applications for the Director of the Institute of Environmental Change and Society (IECS). This appointment will be made as a tenured Professor and will be the University’s nominee for a Tier I Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Water and the Environment. The home academic department of the successful candidate will be determined by the applicant’s specific area of expertise.
Candidates should be a Full Professor or be an Associate Professor who will be promoted to Full Professor within two years of the appointment.
The University of Regina’s Strategic Research Plan 2020-2025 emphasizes ‘Climate and Environment’ as a strategic priority, recognizing the University’s role as a global leader in environment and sustainability, particularly in the area of aquatic resources. IECS (www.iecs-uregina.ca) is home to the 30-year Qu’Appelle Valley Long-Term Ecological Research Program (QU-LTER), one of Canada’s longest-running non-governmental freshwater research programs. IECS is supported by three PhD-level research staff and $13 million of infrastructure (IRMS, LC-MS, GC, HPLC, Confocal, etc.). The University also operates the new 1900 ft2 field station in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, a unique forest-grassland landscape within the Canadian Prairies region. The Faculty of Science has a long history of collaboration with research agencies in regional, national, and international arenas.
The Director of IECS will have demonstrated leadership experience, particularly in a research or institutional setting. They will have a documented record of funding success in the environmental sciences. Experience with collaborative or multidisciplinary initiatives is a particular asset, as is leadership in regional, national, or international communities. Candidates are expected to provide evidence of teaching expertise, as well as a commitment to academic service. The Director should be able to express their vision for IECS and will be responsible for the co-development of its next strategic plan. Evidence of responsible and effective management of personnel and financial assets is essential.
The Canada Research Chair Program (www.chairs-chaires.gc.ca) has been established by the Government of Canada to foster research excellence in Canada. Tier 1 chairs serve for a term of seven years, and are renewable for one additional seven-year term. Thereafter, the chairholder will hold a regular faculty appointment. Tier 1 chairs are outstanding and innovative world-class researchers whose accomplishments have had a major impact in their field and are recognized internationally. Given that scholars have varying career paths and that career interruptions can be part of an excellent academic record, candidates are encouraged to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions to allow for a fair assessment of their application. All chairs are subject to review and final approval by the Canada Research Chairs Program.
The successful candidate will be an established leader in environmental or ecological processes related to water resources in the context of global change. They will have a PhD and conduct research in a relevant area including, but not limited to, surface waters, aquatic ecosystems, biogeochemistry, ecohydrology, and landscape ecology. The candidate may use diverse methodologies, including process-based experimentation, modeling, paleoecology, landscape surveys, environmental biogeochemistry, and multi-decadal environmental monitoring. Complementary institutional research strengths include nutrient pollution and water quality, climate variability, paleoecology, hydrogeology, biogeochemistry, wastewater systems, and lake management. They must have a superior record of attracting and supervising research students, postdocs, and other personnel and will continue these activities as Director. The successful candidate will demonstrate excellence in interdisciplinary collaborations, partnerships, and knowledge mobilization. Candidates must possess the vision necessary to assume the directorship of IECS after a period of co-direction.
For additional information about the position and the research environment in support of the position, see: https://www.uregina.ca/science/research/index.html.
Applications for this position are made online: https://urcareers.uregina.ca/postings/14611.
Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a research statement, an equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) statement, and the names and contact information of three referees. The research statement (3 pages maximum) should address; a) research achievements to date, b) proposed research, and c) a vision statement for IECS. The EDI statement (1 page maximum) should describe the candidate's contributions and plans to advance EDI in their research, teaching, and service. Review of applications will commence on 18 March 2024. Questions about the position may be addressed to the chair of the search committee, Dr. Peter Leavitt (peter.leavitt@uregina.ca).
The University of Regina’s main campus is situated on the traditional territories of the nêhiyawak, Anihsinapek, Nakoda, Dakota and Lakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation. We are committed to an inclusive workplace that reflects the richness of the community that we serve. The University welcomes applications from all individuals, including those from employment equity groups of women, persons with disabilities, racialized individuals, indigenous persons, and gender minorities, as well as all groups protected by the Human Rights Code. Candidates are encouraged to self-identify.
All candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University will work to achieve a reasonable accommodation for candidates under the University of Regina's Workplace Accommodation Policy: https://www.uregina.ca/policy/browse-policy/policy-EMP-080-005.html. The University is committed to ensuring accommodation requests are considered on an individual basis, and reasonable accommodation plans are developed taking into account (i) the Bona Fide Occupational Requirements associated with the position, (ii) the restrictions and/or proposed accommodations based on current and relevant medical documentation, and (iii) undue hardship. Candidates may contact the Healthy Workplace Advisor at HWA@uregina.ca if they feel they may require an accommodation.