Sarah Sangster

Contact Info
Research Interests
- experiences in the reproductive health care system
- informed reproductive decision making in the contexts of fertility control and infertility
- prenatal screening and diagnostic testing
- pregnancy and birth
- pregnancy termination
- transition to parenting
Representative Publications
Sangster, S., DeLucry, K., & Lawson, K. (2023). “We’re in the same book, but we’re in different parts of the book”: Dominant and sub-group narratives of life following a Down syndrome determination. The Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 27(1), 68–86.
Couture, J., Sangster,S., Williamson, L., & Lawson, K. (2016). Endorsement of abortion: The differential impact of social perspective on women and men. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 34(2) 210-220. doi:10.1080/02646838.2015.1124071
Sangster,S., & Lawson, K. (2015). Is any press good press? The impact of media portrayals of infertility on young adults' perceptions of infertility. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada: JOGC, 37(12), 1072-1078. doi: 10.1016/S1701-2163(16)30072-X